Chapter One

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I just woke up, it was 11:45. Typical me had slept in more than i usually would. I hear Wilbur yelling and screaming at the top of his lungs, does he understand that other people need sleep too?

I knew he wasn't streaming so I wanted to go and tell him to calm down. So I got sweatpants on and a jumper, taming my messy bed head. "fucking asshole," i mumble, sighing.

I walk up to his room and knock, hearing "Come in y/n!". I walk in "Can you keep it down? You're screaming at the top of your lungs!" I complain, clearly ticked off.

He looks at me "It's Tommy! y/n he's being a brat and stressing me, can you sort him out?" He asks me, giving me puppy dog eyes. "sort him out by yourself you lazy fuck, he's literally your friend," i snipe at him. "y/n pleaseee," wilbur pleads. "alright then asshole, you owe me one," i groan.

I put on the headset "Hello?" I say, annoyed. "HELLO WOMAN!!" I hear. "Holy shit you're loud, anyways what the fuck are you screaming at? At this time in the morning?" I complain. " actually it's nearly 12pm and i'm playing five nights at freddy's, tell your asshole of a brother that he's no help whatsoever." I laugh at him. "wil he says you're so help whatsoever," i say to my brother, who rolls his eyes.

"he seems amused by your comment," i say. "good one woman," he says, jesus christ that was getting annoying. "This 'Woman' has a name you know!" I say, pulling up my sweats, causing wil to glare at me with a weird look."Okay then 'y/n' is that better?" He groans. "Yes, thank youuu!" I say. "wil what in fucks name are you staring at." i say to my older brother who just kept giving dirty looks. "you obviously," he smirks, sticking his tongue out at me. i roll my eyes at him.

"Y/N do you have discord?" Tommy suddenly asks. "ehm yeah, do you want wil to send it to you?" I reply, quite surprised he wanted to have it. "Yeah sounds good, can you put Wilbur back on?"

I hand the headset to Wilbur and he whispers into his mic "Okay Tommy, if I give you my sister's discord, DO NOT make her a simp because i do not wanna hear about you every day, also DO NOT, and I repeat DO NOT break her heart," wil ranted, getting close to his microphone. what an actual asshole i swear to god. i love him really, but he knows exactly how to piss me off.

I give him the middle finger before walking off to my room. I tidy it, thinking more about the boy i had just talked to, tommyinnit. i swear i've seen him somewhere online.

I got curious and searched him up. I saw his YouTube channel and clicked into one of his videos. he was quite funny actually..

Wilbur barges in, not even a simple knock. "oOoOoo y/n is watching Tommy!! I'm so telling him!" He teases me. "Wilbur fucking Soot I do not think so!" I chase him but he's already sat down again and chatting to Tommy and some other guy. "Wanna join our call on your own discord y/n?" He asks. I nod and run to my room. I log into discord quick and Will invites me to the call.

"Heyo?" I say, adjusting my headphones. "hello y/n!!" I hear Tommy's voice say, he wasn't streaming anymore so he wasn't as upbeat. "heyy tommy. Who's- um, Tubbo?" I ask, seeing he was in the call. "Oh hi y/n! That's me, if you like you can call me Toby! I'm Wilburs friend," He replies, he seems nice.

I saw wil turn on his camera and he asked us to do the same. I was last because I needed convincing. I turn it on and saw Tommy's mouth drop. "don't mind my hair i woke up like 20 minutes ago," I say, drinking my water. "Tommy you good?" wilbur says, looking concerned. "yeah! I just wasn't expecting what she would look like, but you are very pretty y/n ," he says, snapping out of it. wilbur gives a glare to who i assume is tommy.

We all chatted for awhile until Toby says "Tommy do you have your eyes on any girls?" In a jokey tone. "i always do guys what do you mean," He replies. "Okay, i'll believe that when i hear the names. What about you y/n? Got eyes for any boys?" Wilbur says. "Um yeah, and girls too," I say, raising my eyebrows. "WIL I AM NOT TELLING YOU WHO!" I exclaim as he raises his eyebrow. "what's your sexuality y/n? sorry if that's personal," tommy asks me. "no no it's okay! i'm bi," i say, with a nervous smile. "that's cool!" toby says.

We chat for another hour before I leave and get on my phone. My discord was laying open and I get a message. I look up to check it, it was from Tommy?

Hey Y/N, I know this might sound weird but, can I have your number? So we can facetime sometimes? You know, on the go so it's not just on our pcs? It's okay if not! I just thought that would be cool :)

Yeah! Of course, i don't see a problem with that, it's *********** :)

Okay thanks !!

he asked for my number? alright.. i suppose i don't have discord on my phone so that's okay. After I went to get more water, i see a message on my phone.

Hello is this Y/N?

No. It's fucking toad from mario kart.

yep defo you Y/N

how'd you guess?

I'm not stupid.


FaceTime me. Now.

Oh my fuck he wants to FaceTime. I fix my hair a bit and see this :

tom👹 wants to FaceTime..

🟢Accept. 🔴Decline.

After resisting the urge to press decline, I press accept and his face comes up on screen.

Tommy: Bold

Y/N: Italic



Hello Y/NNN!!

What do you want Tommy?

Do you not wanna talk to me?

What? No I never said that?

[timeskip 20 minutes into the call]

YEAH? Sorry Y/n I have to go for dinner. Talk later?

Of course, bye tom!

He hangs up, and i plug my phone into the charger and leave it on my bedside table. I see Wilbur and he follows me to the kitchen. "Y/n, I know this is weird but. Me and my friends are going to a holiday home for 3 weeks on holiday, I can't leave you here since it's just us and you're only 16. So um, wanna come?" He asks. "Only if you tell me who's going," I reply, leaning on the counter. "Okay so, Me, You, Tommy, Toby, Niki, Minx, Dream, George, Sapnap and Ranboo," He says.

"Okay sure! I know them all because I watch their videos! And I've met Niki before and she's practically my big sister" I say. "Okay good! We are leaving in 2 weeks, but don't tell tommy you are coming, it's a surprise for him." He says, leaving the room.

Oh my god! I was gonna meet Tommy! And Toby! And Niki again! Minx was really cool too, I had talked to her once before with niki. Ranboo seemed like a cool person too!! But I excited because of the dream team, THE DREAM TEAM?! That night i thought deeply, thinking of the next few weeks.

Oh my god I love this story already! Trust the process okay? More chapters coming later!!

When we met.. {TommyInnit x Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora