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Hello! Author's Note here! I just wanted to clarify that Y/N has pink hair(no specific length) and black eyes if that's okay, since they're/you're the child of Daisuke Kambe and Mahoro Saeki. However, if you're not okay with it, it's totally fine! You can just mentally(?) change it up to whatever you want. Thanks! -MJ

Chapter 1:
I'll Be God

Y/N's POV-

I stepped out of my father's plane as the wind brushed against my clothes. I was wearing a rather excited to be in my parents' home country. The only memory I had of Japan was when I visited Haru with my mother, Mahoro Kambe. The cherry blossoms were beautiful, and I'm glad I'll be seeing it again.

Well, enough of all of that. I think it's time everyone gets to know their protagonist.
I'm Y/N Kambe! I was born and raised in London, although my parents are Japanese. My father, Daisuke Kambe, is the famous Millionaire Detective. I go by they/them pronouns since no one can tell if I'm a boy or a girl, I don't know either, lol. My best friend is HEUSC and Haru Kato, my father's best friend. He doesn't call him that in front of him though, he tells me in secret. Don't tell anyone.

"It's been a while!" my sweet mother cheered, walking down the stairs.

My father followed after her, holding her hand gently and looked up to me. "Hurry up, Y/N," he said, smiling, but it didn't look that obvious.

"Give them some time to take in the view, Suke!" my mother replied with his nickname. He blushed and quickly looked away as I laughed.

"Sorry! I'll be right there!!" I replied.

I was glad that my parents accepted my pronouns immediately, I told Haru and HEUSC as well. I ran down to my parents, jumping and hugging them tightly. I'm excited for my new school year.


I put on my school school uniform and braided a small strand on the side of my hair (Just in case your hair is pretty short). I told my dad to order the male school uniform since I'm not that fond of skirts. I grabbed my bow with HEUSC programmed in it.

"Good morning, HEUSC! How are you?" I asked as I pinned it on the back of my hair.

"I am doing fantastic. How are you, Y/N?" HEUSC replied.

"Great!" I said, running out of my room to eat breakfast.

My parents allowed me to not get into an expensive, private school and into a normal school. PK Academy, it had a nice ring to it.

"Good morning, Mahoro, Y/N," father said, sitting down at the end of the table.

"Mornin' dad!! Thanks for getting me the male uniform!" I thanked.

He smiled.

After doing my morning routine, I headed into my father's limo. I was pretty sad that I couldn't be going with my parents, but oh well.

To my surprise, Haru was there in the car!

"What's up, Highness? New school?" he grinned.

"Yup! PK Academy!" I cheered jumping into the car.

I'm trying to rush this (kinda) so uh timeskip lol

I stepped out of the limo and waved goodbye to Haru. It had been a while since we had a good chat. I looked up at the normal-looking school happily. But, I noticed something weird.

perfect person. Shun Kaidou x Non-Binary! readerWhere stories live. Discover now