Don't Leave Me

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                 “Rocky it is not that I want to go against your brother, I just don’t understand why we are holding up the inevitable. He is gone Rocky. The Doctors say there has been nearly no brain activity. I’m sorry but we need to let him go.” Rocky started crying and I could hardly believe what I was hearing. As I walked around the final corner I found them standing outside his room. Rocky and Ryland were sitting down in the chairs in front of the window with Dad standing over them. “I won’t let you do it. He is not gone. I can promise you that. I don’t break my promises unlike some people!” My Dad looked up me almost shocked that I was even there. “Ross...I...” “Don’t even try me Dad! You promised a week! What difference does it make huh? IF you think he is gone now, he will still be gone by Friday! What is the problem? Are you worried about the money? Because if that is what it is...”

                “No it’s not the money Ross, it’s not. Your Mother and I just can’t hold on to nothing any more. It hurts too much.” Ryland wiped his eyes and stood up. “We are all hurting Dad. That doesn’t mean we are giving up on him. Ross is right! Waiting until Friday will not kill anyone more. It’s only 3 days away.” Dad didn’t respond for a while. He was torn, obviously, but I think deep down he knew we were right. “Alright, I won’t do it. But remember boys, when Friday comes it isn’t going to have made it any easier to have waited.” With that he left us alone patting my shoulder on his way to the elevator. I turned back to my brother’s slowly walking towards them. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Spirit Riker standing at the window inside his room watching. His eyes were red giving away the fact that he had been crying.

                “What the hell happened between yesterday and today?” Ryland came and hugged me. “Rocky over heard Mom and Dad talking at the house... Mom has been shut up in her room since Riker’s brain activity report came back this morning. It isn’t looking good Ross. We may actually lose him on Friday.” I looked back at Riker. He was still standing in the window listening to everything we were saying. “Rocky... have you tried talking to Riker? Maybe we can keep his brain moving by talking to him.” Rocky shook his head and pulled his keys out of his back pocket. “Sorry bud but I can’t, at least not today, not after that. Come on Ryland i’ll drive you home. “My heart broke as I watched my brothers walk away. Rocky needed closure or his heart would never truly forgive and forget. I walked into Riker’s room and looked right at Spirit him. “How am I supposed to do this if our own family wants to lose me that quickly?” Riker was still crying. “I can’t believe they don’t want to deal with the pain of holding on to me.” If I could have hugged him, I would have. There was nothing I could say to make this better. Our parents had almost let him go. I could never know how badly that would feel.

                “Riker, they meant it in a loving have to know they did.” Riker walked towards his body. “Maybe you shouldn’t fight for me Ross. Maybe I am just a lost cause.” What was he saying? He sounded like he was giving up...he couldn’t give up! “NO! Riker, don’t think like that. We will never give up on you so you can’t either. I will save your life! I promise. This accident will be erased and everyone will move on from this horrible time. I promise!” Riker simply smiled at me and thanked me. Suddenly he was gone and I was left with the quiet drippings of the IV bag. I turned to leave the hospital and as I opened his door I looked back at Riker on the bed. “I promise..”

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