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"but we still made it in time to shut it." the redhead glance at maya. "you know she still hasn't called or texted me. we barely spoke in the last two months."

"so get up and talk to her." frankie sat back, crossing her arms. "why do i have to make the first move? why can't she come to me."

"because she came to the last time." she rolled her eyes, pushing him: "stop talking, just shhh." lucas shook his head, moving his eyes back to his phone.

"why did my dad talk to you about it?" the blonde sighed; he knew she would ask that question eventually. lucas hoped she would've asked if later in the day so he could come up with a believable lie.

"nothing you need to worry about." frankie squinted her eyes, "it is something i need to worry about because you're lying to me." lucas put his face in his hands.

it was too soon to tell her the real reason why he moved here. frankie turned her head to see riley sniffing lucas. her light brown eyes met maya's suspiciously.

once she walked away, frankie grabbed his arm. "lucas, why are you lying to me?"

"i'm not lying to you, frankie, i swear," lucas said, staring into her eyes. "then why won't you tell me why my dad talked to you this morning?"

"ok fine," he thought for a second, "he wanted to know where i got this jacket from." frankie looked down at his jean jacket and scoffs.

"whatever." she grabbed her backpack, standing up. "you know where to find me when you stop lying."

"wait!" lucas grabbed her backpack, pulling her back. he stood up, looking down at her.

"well, are you going to tell me, or are you going to stare at me like that?" he knew telling her the truth would solve the problem, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"i can't. it's really personal."

"so i can talk to you about personal things, but you can't? that's not what i call a friendship. we made a deal lucas." he nodded his head, "i know, i know."

"then what's the problem?"
"i just can't tell you."

frankie nodded her head taking off the bracelet they made together. "come find me when you trust me." she walked past him and the two girls walking into the classroom.

"what'd you do now?"


frankie sat in her chair, ignoring lucas breathing down her neck. "you guys don't connect. it's like you can't exist without these. you use emoticons rather than emotions. you're an unfeeling generation of zombies." maya and riley put their hand on each other heads mimicking zombies.

"stop eating her." lucas tapped frankie's shoulder roughly, "lucas, would you stop?"

"can you talk to me? please." frankie turned to him, "are you ready to tell me what's going on?"

"then no."

frankie watched danny walk into the classroom as matthews was talking to myzell. "i haven't seen you in forever. are you alright?" she asked the brown-haired boy as he sat down behind her. "yeah, i just had the flu, but i'm all better now."

daniel looks over at lucas, "who's that?"

"oh, that's lucas. he's new." the blonde gave him a tight smile, "you didn't replace him with me, did you?" frankie grinned, "of course not. but i should've because you never answered when i called or texted you. i went over a couple of times, but your mom didn't let me in."

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