And Seonghwa adored her stubbornness and tenacity, in his opinion, it made their relationship even more interesting: not only the woman could see, talk and touch an actual thousand-year-old demon, but she also had the gut to stand up to him meanwhile being acquainted that he could end her life with a snap of his fingers.

Nevertheless, this time, the demon wanted to have more fun and decided to not do anything, or rather, to mess her mind so that she would lead Areum to find herself drowning in her own thoughts, with no one there to rescue her, not even her teacher who she admired so much.

"Are you sure?"

He repeated with a voice tone that spurred her to question her words. No, of course, she wasn't sure, she knew that Seonghwa was Hee-Young's real father, she just didn't know how that was possible.

With his stable walk, Seonghwa made Areum's back meet the wall, pushing her physically to the partition and on the verge of a mental breakdown, mentally. His hands soon laid against the wall, next to the woman's head, his face lowered a little to be on the same level as hers, his lips and nose brushed imperceptibly.

Areum's whole body quivered, something between her legs burned, her knees trembled and what she wanted to do was to caress his broad shoulders and back to feel yearningly his muscles stretching under her palms. The woman came back to her senses when a moan coming from Seonghwa caressed her mouth and only at that moment she realised that she was actually touching him. His expression in pure bliss reminded her of the time they spent together, all the emotions and everybody contact they shared.

The woman didn't even realise that Seonghwa had connected their lips, as his were soft like a cloud. However, the minute her mouth moulded onto his, a deep and low growl escaped from the demon's throat and Areum immediately pulled away from him.

Soon that growl turned into a satisfied giggle. That just proves to him that she was still addicted to him, even if just a little. Areum's eyes thrust open once she took notice of what she had just done and tears started to fill her eyes when she rapidly came to the conclusion that she had betrayed San.

"I'm her father. Hee-Young is my daughter. Our daughter."

The woman shook her head and pushed the demon away from her by placing her hands in his solid chest while sobs started to take control of her body shaking it uncontrollably.

"No, no! It can't be!"

Screamed the woman while closing her eyes and turning her head to the right, hoping to erase the demon's face from her brain. Her attempts to sneak away from his firm grip turned out to be completely useless as he was clearly too strong for her and every other human being.

Seonghwa's fingers sank in the flesh of her cheeks and finally created and eye contact with Areum, who shrugged when his blue eyes devoured her and immediately Hee-Young's visage surfaced in front of her. Of course, how could she ignore those inhumanly beautiful features? How could she keep lying to herself and San that Hee-Young was their daughter when the girl's visuals told the opposite?

And when she burst into tears was the moment when Areum gave up in front of the obviousness, the raw and cruel truth. Her hands covered her mouth and sobs took control over her whole body, mind-numbed and empty, what could she think about?

The corner of the demon's mouth curved into an evil grin, somehow he felt excitement seeing Areum falling apart in front of him. Moreover, he loved making fun of her while she was in a weak state, because that was what he had been doing since he appeared, that day.

His arms wrapped around Areum's waist and tightened the grip around her, making his curves adhere to hers, their ribs almost wedged together. His lips brushed against her ear and, with sheer lungs, he inebriated his nostrils with her scent, the sweet flavour of fear and despair.

"We made a pact, kitten. A blood pact."

He claimed whispering before grasping her wrist and caress the thin, rosy, and sensitive patch of skin with his thumb. Areum gasped at the sudden caress, so delicate yet it burned on her skin.

"You're mine."

He declared before vanishing into a cloud of grey smoke. The woman didn't change her position as if she could still feel Seonghwa's steamy body against hers, until her knees finally ceded and let her back slip into the wall and she found herself sat on the floor, alone.

And suicidal.

And suicidal

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*I haven't reread the chapter*

Whey, I'm late

Uhm, just a quick reminder: nothing is what it seems!

Luv ya ♡︎

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