"Hey" Frank heard someone say from the doorway a little while later.

Looking up, he saw Gerard leaning against the metal frame.

Sitting bolt upright, and shoving himself into the corner of his bed, Frank put on his stony-faced look again for Gerard's benefit.

"Why do you look so fucking scared around me?" Gerard almost shouted.

"'m not fucking scared of you" Frank replied, clearly scared.

"Can I come in?" Gerard asked, stepping in any way.

"No. Get the fuck out!" Frank shouted.

"Why?" Gerard calmly asked.

"Because I don't fucking want you near me" Frank spat back.

"Why?" Gerard asked again.

"I just don't ok?"


What the fuck was this guy's problem? Was he like six years old or something, and had to ask 'Why?' about everything.

Frank decided to just stop talking. It was clear Gerard was going to come in and continue to ask questions anyway. He pressed himself as far into the corner of the bed as possible and turned away from Gerard, trying his best to look unbothered by his presence.

Gerard gently sat at the other end of Frank's bunk and Frank felt himself tense up even further.

"I'M NOT GONNA FUCKIN' HURT YOU, OK?" Gerard snapped annoyed.

"Then why do you keep hassling me?" Frank replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

"I didn't realise I was," Gerard said with an offended look on his face. "I just thought, as you're new, you might want a friend. I dunno, someone to talk to."

Gerard was also conflicted with his feelings today. Part of him just wanted Frank as part of his family - someone he could fuck or be fucked by occasionally for his own pleasure; part of him only wanted that so Bert couldn't have him and he loved nothing more than to piss Bert off, and part of him really did just want to get to know this kid. He didn't know why - he had never been like this with anyone. Ray was probably his closest 'friend' in here, but he wasn't particularly interested in knowing every little detail about him. Not like he was with Frank. He had thought of nothing else since his arrival. He wanted to know all about him for some reason. He just didn't understand why this newcomer had gotten under his skin like nobody else ever had.

"I'm sorry" Gerard almost whispered. "I didn't mean to hassle you, I'll leave you to it."

"It's okay" Frank found himself saying without really meaning to. "You don't have to leave" he shrugged as though he wasn't bothered either way.

Gerard remained seated and neither said anything for a couple of minutes.

"You're from Jersey right?" Frank opened with.

"Yeah" Gerard replied smiling.

And with that, they started to chat. It was fairly stilted and not always flowing, but it was a start, and Gerard was particularly pleased about that.

Frank, although he had been warned about Gerard, thought it better to have him as an ally instead of two enemies (as that was clearly what Bert was).

They chatted for half an hour or so before Gerard was ushered out ready for lights out. He smiled and waved awkwardly at Frank as he left, before shoulder barging past the guard that was in his way. It made Frank laugh internally at how fucking contradictory Gerard seemed to be.


Lying in the darkness after lights out, Frank willed himself not to. He folded his arms across his chest and tried to blank out his thoughts. He knew it was futile, and before long felt his hands stroking over his torso, headed down to his boxers.

Snaking his hands inside, he pushed them down to his thighs and felt his cock growing harder and harder at his cool touch. He cupped his balls with one hand, feeling them tighten in his hold, while he rolled his stiffening nipple between his thumb and forefinger of his other. He spat into his hand and allowed it to start a steady rhythm of pumping up and down along his growing length. There was no doubt, that seeing Bert fucking some guy's mouth had turned him on, but as he continued to push his dick through his fist, it wasn't Bert's mouth that he was fantasizing fucking - it was Gerard's. Tightly closing his eyes, he thrust faster into his fist, getting closer and closer to his goal, imagining his hands pulling on that soft red hair, angling his cock way down into his throat and hearing him moan around him as he poured out into him..

Just down the corridor, Gerard was busily thrusting two fingers up into his ass with his other hand wrapped around his dick. Flicking his digits against his prostate, he bit the blankets to stop any moans slipping from his mouth. He also was picturing the cute little guy he was becoming obsessed with. Imagining his cock buried deep within his ass and fucking him into oblivion.

Without realising, at exactly 11.47 pm, both men were spilling out over themselves. Both with the image of the other burned into their brains.

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