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Song For This Chapter: Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars


"You're so cute.." I whisper looking down at my little babies, watching them sleeping soundly in my lap. I know they should be in their bassinets but I just can't put them down.

Corbyn had to take them last night because I didn't want to sleep even though I was exhausted, they were just too cute, I had to hold them, I was  too busy to sleep..

So I'm holding them now while I can before Corbyn gets back with breakfast. He's giving me time to wake up and such before he gets back with the food and he's gonna help me shower before I eat. I'm so glad we're leaving this hospital this afternoon. Just four more hours until I can go home with my babies.

Corbyn said he has a surprise for me once we get home. I don't know what it is but I can't wait to find out.

Last night he kept going to the hall on phone calls. I don't know who it was but I have a feeling it has to do with whatever this surprise is.

He's so cute when he does this kinda stuff, I wish I was as good at this type of thing as he is but I'm not unfortunately. Luckily he loves me the way I am and that makes up for it, I do my best and that's what counts. I smile wide when I hear the door open and Corbyn walks in.

"Did someone say breakfast?" He says chuckling abit as he sets the food onto the table and comes over. "Okay c'mon bub." He says softly and I whine. "No no not yet." I pout covering the babies with my arms. "Mine." I pout more when he shakes his head and slips Ivy out from under my arms. "No baby no put her back please." I whine as he shakes his head and gently sets her into her bassinet.

"Okay gimme Indigo baby" He walks back over and I shake my head holding her close.

"Please baby the nurse said you need to shower here before we go home and I know it'll help you feel better today." He makes puppy eyes at me trying to convince me and I sigh softly, gently handing her over making him smile. "Good boy." He chuckles abit and kisses my head as I giggle.

After he puts Indigo in her bassinet he comes back and helps me up, gently bringing me to the bathroom and helping me get cleaned up. Once I'm done he helps me get dressed in leggings and a giant hoodie and I pout looking in the mirror. "I look tired and gross." I whine and he smiles. "That's what newborns do to you baby." He wraps his arms around my waist from behind and kisses my cheek. "But for the record you don't look gross at all. You look handsome and wonderful." He says, causing a small smile to appear on my face.

"But is there anything that would help you feel any better about yourself my love?" He asks looking at me through the mirror. "I wish I could do my makeup." I sigh, but I'm too tired to try and do that. I have energy but I'd much rather be sitting right now instead of attempting makeup.

He nods and helps me to the bed. "Okay let's see how this goes." He says rummaging in my bag as I tilt my head. "What are you doing?" I ask curiously before he stands up holding my makeup bag. "Oh baby you don't have to." I start but he immediately stops me, walking over. "No, I wanna help my baby feel as pretty as he is." He says, kissing my head as he stands between my legs and does my makeup for me.

I look in a mirror and he did good. He helps me finish up anything I need like brushing my hair and getting finished getting dressed then he gets me my food and we both eat.

"Ready?" Corbyn asks as we're packing up the last bit of stuff to head home. "Yep." I smile wide and he nods.

"Now you stay here while I get these to the car. Don't hurt yourself." He kisses my nose before grabbing our bags and taking them to the car.

A nurse helps me put the girls in their car seats while we wait, thank goodness we bought two, one to use and one just in case we needed it for some reason like if the other got damaged.

Corbyn comes back and helps me and the babies to the car and then drives us all home.

He's taking care of me so much, just taking care of everything. He won't let me do anything for myself which I'm not gonna let happen for long trust me but for now it's amazing.

"Soo what's the surprise?" I ask as he's parking. "You'll see in a minute baby it's upstairs in the apartment. He chuckles and gets the twins out. "Stay here for a second baby." He tells me before taking them up.

He comes back five minutes later with a baby monitor in his back pocket making me giggle. "Hey it's only a second but that's all It takes." He pouts helping me out And I smile widely. "No baby it's cute. I love how much of a dad you are already." I giggle and he smiles rubbing my back. "That's because I'm a dad bub." He shakes his head smiling and helps me to the apartment. "So you know how I told you I didn't wanna worry about a nursery until we knew the gender since the baby, babies now, would be sleeping in our room for a while anyways?" He asks and I nod, tilting my head confused. "Welll, I got Jo and Jack to help but here's your surprise.." he smiles looking nervous and unlocks the door to the babies room and I slowly walk in, gasping at what I see.

"You didn't..." I breathe out heavily looking around. "I did." He says softly, wrapping his arms around me from behind as I tear up.

He made them a nursery.

"When did you.." I can barely find the words but he shushes me, already knowing what I'm trying to say. "I took the time while you were at Zach's or your mom's to do a lot of it. Jack and Jo helped me paint it while you stayed at Z's that one weekend with Anna, Gabs and Ash." He smiles kissing the top of my head.

The walls are a soft yellow colour with a baby blue accent wall that has two white cribs sitting against it. Above them are the letters I and I, for Indigo and Ivy. There's a matching changing table sitting against the side wall, pictures of giraffes and elephants, lions and tigers, hippo's and rhino's and so many other animals are hung as a banner across the top of the wall. There are white curtains on the windows and a rocker in the corner with a table beside it.

"The only thing I didn't do was organize the breastfeeding stuff. I wanted you to so you could put it how you need it. But I organized the clothing and the diaper stuff and everything else in here." He looks down at me as I spin in his arms, tears covering my face at how amazing this man is. I dunno how I deserve him but I never wanna lose him.


Wassup dudes. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

So I have 2 things to say so please read this and don't skip.

So 1 is that over the course of the next 5 or so chapters I'm planning to have time skips that consist of a few months at a time and would you guys rather me do that like are you okay with that or would you guys prefer if I made it over like 8-10 chapters instead?

There's just a few plot points I'm dying to get to and I'm going crazy not knowing what to do for filler chapters so please leave suggestions on stuff you might wanna see this lil family do.

The second thing is, I'm going to the and post once a week. Would you guys prefer if I posted once every week or two chapters at once every two weeks? And either way what day do you guys prefer to have me post? I wanna try and get on a schedule so hopefully I'll be more productive but I can't promise I'll be able to stick to it 😂😌😌

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