Chapter 1: Prologue

Start from the beginning

M-" Hello"

K- "Hi Mitch and Jerome"

E- "Hi"

J-"Hello people" ( classic Jerome )

K- "Good Game😄"

M+J- "Yeah Good game"

K- "Want to play another game?"

M- "Sure"

J- "I can't Bye Guys"

K+E- "Bye Jerome"

M- "Bye biggums"

E- "I have to go too Bye guys"

M+K- " Bye Elizabeth "

K- " What do you want to play?"

M- "Parkour race?"

K- "Sure I will beat you?"

M- "Is that a Bet I hear "

K- " It sure is winner has to do something for each other "

M- "Your on if I win you have to meet me in Canada and be my servant for a week"

K- " Fine you have to by my servant for a week. We do three rounds and should we record it ?"

M- " yes we have to record it so our fans will make sure we do it."

K- "Fine"

M- " Get ready for it "

K- " All ready done "

M- " Ok which map "

K- " what about Rainbow Road the one Bodil made and you also posted a video on it."

M- " Ok Wait how did you know that I post the video on it."

K- "I may be subscribe to you"

M " oh ok this may sound weird but I watch your videos"

K- " wait what"

M- "I watch your videos you can ask Jerome"

K- " Lets play do you want to do the intro or I can?"

M- " why don't you do the intro and I do the outtro."

K- "Ok press the record button."

K- "Hey guys it's me Kelly here with Mitch or TheBajanCaniadian and we are doing parkour and we placed a bet on who ever wins has to be their servant for a week. "

M- "yeah so Let's get started."

K- " Counting off 3,2,1 GOOOOO."

We started and I was in the lead. I finished the first round so now we are doing another round. The score is 1-0. We started Mitch was in the lead by a little bit and he won the second round so now it was 1-1. We were neck on neck then Mitch slipped and I was in the lead and I won the bet. But it is never over with out sumo. I grabbed diamond and Mitch grabbed lapis. We started building it then finally it was finished. We got on the platform and started it. Mitch won and Mitch ended the video. We talked again after the video. ( M=Mitch K=Kelly)

K- "Hey"

M- "Hey when do you want me to become your servant?"

K- "probably in a week or so when I move to a apartment in Canada."

M- "So you are moving to Canada what town?"

K- "Montreal"

M- "Ok you know that is the town I live in right"

K- "yeah"

M- "Can I have your number?"

K- "Sure" ( I gave him my number)

M- " ok got it I am going to text you so I know it is you not some other person"

K- "Ok I got it"

M- "well do you want to record tomorrow."

K- "Sure I'll text you when because it is Saturday that means there is going to be a live stream on Sunday before I move because I am graduating early."

M- "Well it is time for bed for me so Bye Kelly"

K- "Bye Mitch"

I got in my pjs and went to bed. ( Dream Part )

I was in Canada with Mitch in my apartment all unpacked and everything. We were holding hands and watching a movie. When the movie ended Mitch and I kissed and our lips connected in rhythm. When we broke away Mitch looked at me and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes and he got a box from his pocket. Then my dreamed ended and I woke up. Shocked by my dream that seem so real. Then I went to bed again and slept.

Hey Guys first I want to give a shout out to MinecraftMusic and thank you for the support. Don't forget to follow, vote, and comment for more and PEACE OUT

Writer XOXO 😄😄😄❤️💋❤️💋😋

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