Chapter 53: The Revolution Ends!

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Y/n: *sigh* Yeah i know, that's why I'm here, i was with them when they got captured at the southern air temple. I was able to sneak onto the airship, but i had to leave the landing field so i wouldn't be discovered. You have any idea where they are?

Ty Lee: No, they moved the prison after that little stunt you guys pulled with that rescue. I don't know where the secondary prison is because they had me doing raids on triad bases.

Y/n: I see...

Ty Lee: But i was able to get these, hold on

She gets up and walks over to a cabinet in the kitchen. She takes out rolls of blueprints and brings them over to the coffee table. She unrolls the blueprints and shows the design.

Y/n: What is it?

Ty Lee: I have no idea, but rumors say that it's a new form of flying machine.

When Rachel heard that she leaned over and took a look at the design on the blue prints and was amazed.

Rachel: That's an airplane

Y/n: A what?

Rachel: An airplane, they are flying machines that I've seen before back in my world. These air planes are capable of flying much faster then the blimps and can carry some serious ordinance.

Ty Lee: So that's it, huh?

Y/n: That's what?

Ty Lee: I heard some of the Equalists saying that they are planning on using these machines on the war fleet before they get here.

Y/n: *stands up* Then were gonna need a way to stop them before they have the chance to do it.

Rachel: How? We don't know where the air planes are.

Y/n: Hmmm....

Y/n sits down and looks at the blueprints of the air planes and notices something odd.

Y/n: Why do they have wheels? Are they also used on land?

Rachel: No, in order for the air planes to take off they need a long stretch of land to get some lift off the ground.

Y/n: So they can't just take off from one spot like an airship can?

Rachel: Yes

Y/n: So in order for them to get in the air they need to get a good running start first before they lift into the air. How much land would they need?

Rachel: Depending on the size, three kilometers, but judging by the size of this airplane they only need one.

Y/n: Hm, so they'll need at least one kilometer of land. Obviously not anywhere in the city. Probably outside near the mountains

Ty Lee: Why the mountains?

Y/n: It's secluded and has plenty of cover so no one can just go snooping in and find where they are. Do you have a map?

Ty Lee brings out a map and shows the city, they look to the mountains and find only one big plot of land

Y/n: Would this be enough to launch and land an airplane Rachel?

Rachel: More than enough

Y/n: Alright I'll go investigate first and make sure that they are there. Then we will come up with a plan to fight back against the Equalist

They both nod and y/n takes off out the window and flys fast, but not enough to break the sound barrier. He doesn't want to spook anyone with the sound of a sonic boom.

Ty Lee: ......Did he

Rachel: Yes, yes he did

Y/n flys over the mountains and sees that they are mostly covered in snow. He doesn't find the airfield until he sees some airplanes flying around looking like they were practicing in the distance. He flys over the clouds so he's not spotted and looks down the see the airplanes flying over the airfield.

Dragon Ball Multiverse (Male Saiyan Reader x Multicrossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz