Oh You've Got To Be Kidding Me--

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A yawn escape the blonde's mouth, and almost immediately snapping the attention of his bestfriend whomst doing his own work accross the room..

"Taehyung..you haven't have enough sleep yesterday, maybe you should take a break--" jimin softly said with a worried tone but taehyung just brushed the idea, shaking his head.

Getting caught by piles and piles of presentations he needed to examine further, though he clearly appreciate the concern..

"Im fine chim, i need to finish this workloads as soon as possible or else old man will...will.."


His bestfriend shouted but he was too distracted to realize that he was slowly getting engulf by his own sanity..

And when he finally realize it, he was already embrace by the darkness.


"---master?..young master? Are you okay?" A woman's voice woke me up back to my own senses.

"H-huh? Oh yeah, do you need something?" I answered politely, staring at the elder woman infront of me with confusion because the face right infront looks oddly familiar...

'Where did i--Wait a minute..'

"Yes, do you want me to get you juice young master?" The elder smiled fondly, crouching down to level my line of sight--

'This doesn't look right...did i shrunk? Why is she so tall?--no no no..i remember this scene!, this is when i was a kid..Yeah! i remember it clearly!

Dang what a boring dream'

"Oh just get me cookies please" i answered--or more like, the younger me answered.

"Yes young master, i'll be right back.." the elder woman--which i remember my personal nanny at the time took off with a smile still attached to his lips..

'Right right, i remember this scene correctly, this dream surely brings back memori--'


'Ah--wha?! Who is--'

"Whose there?! Anwer me, are you a thief?!" The younger me ask alertively while glaring at the bushes behind me.

"Nooo!" The other human answered almost immediately, startling the younger taehyung in his feet.

'A kid?..wait, there's no way that this is--He is--'

And without being said, little taehyung(me) rush to the bushes behind and swept the green leaves away, just to be met by innocent doe eyes staring back at me wide-eyed, along with large bunny teeth sticking out in the open..

'Oh you've got to be kidding me--'

"Wow..are you the princess of this castle?" The other exclaimed dumbfoundedly that made the younger me scrunch its face in utter confusion.

'Oh f*ck--this dream--WHYY??!'

"No! are you stupid?" Little taehyung replied back instantly while crossing his arms in his chest and sassily raising one of his brow..

'Dang! Little me is such a savag--'

"No i'm jungkook, whose that?" little jungkook ask innocently tilting his head to the side..

"You are!"

"Nooo, i told you i'm jungkook!"

'Pff--buwahahhaha who gave their name to someone they just met so easily?--this kid is so adorable i can't--

Bunny Jump[]TAEKOOK AU[]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن