A solution!

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"Jimin No! I'll say it one more time for you to understand--That fat-ass bastard is a freaking Pervert! I don't like something that filthy here in my company!" The blonde snap, slamming his palms in the table infront of him,  with a glare fixcated to his bestfriend whomst flinch by the sudden loud bang that echoed accross the room, making him tremble in the presence of anger radiating to his bestfriend..

"B-but tae..atleast give him a chance? H-he got skills--"

"Jimin."taehyung sternly answered jimin's quivering voice, and with that tone..jimin knows he can't argue any longer.

"O-okay got it, i'll kick him out just....just cool down a bit, i'll bring you coffee later" jimin gently give up with a sigh before giving his bestfriend a soft smile that contagious enough to make taehyung practically melted as he smile back at the innocent angel..

"Thanks chim.."

---------[A few Hours After...]--------

"So?...what're you planning now?" Seokjin ask the blonde sitting accross from him as he swiftly drink on his tea, while staring dead in the eyes to the younger paying no attention to him..

"What do you mean by thay hyung?" Taehyung answered, eyes glued to the paperworks in his hands, examining it seriously before stamping some and damping the others to the trashbin beside his table.

"I mean what i ask kim taehyung, you basically kick out one of the most reliable worker here in the company.."

"You mean one of the biggest pervert here in the company, yeah i kick him out..so what?" Taehyung corrected, lifting his head up lazily just to roll his eyes to the older before bringing his view to the pile of papers in his hand.

The older just sigh at that.

"Taehyung..im serious."

"AND SO AM I!"taehyung can't help but to raise his voice earning a flinch from the older.

"okay okay..calm down, i just wanna know something to be sure....did he actually like..do that?"

"Hyung..do you actually think i'll make a stupid lie just so i can kick that bastard out of my company?" Taehyung defended, crossing his arms in his chest as he leaned back onto his swivel chair with raised eyebrow.

"No....but i mean, its you...Kim Taehyung duhh..first thing that comes to my mind when i heard about the news is 'he probably just don't like an ugly..fat..bitch in his company' so...." the older nervously answered, drinking again from his tea without meeting the eyes of the younger infront of him.

But the statement utterly made the latter gasp out of disbelief..

"Seriously hyung?! Just how low do you take me for?"

"I was just kidding!relax will you haha.......or actually not--i mean half of what i said is what i actually think, but of course i believe you." Seokjin smile innocently yet taehyung wasn't having it today..

"Now im actually regretting helping you with my brother"

"Oh sushh i know you love me sweetheart"

"Not even a little bit, anyway where's chim?"taehyung suddenly ask, finally realizing his bestfriend wasn't in the room.

"You ask that as if he's working for you, sweet evil brother-in-law he's not your employee though if youre asking me where is he, i haven't seen him since just a minute ago.."

"Tch too much talk for that useless answer--AND of course, i know that he is not my employee and never will be cause he's my bestfriend but seriously.... i just wanted to regain my energy back with an angel in the room--not a bitch like you here, argghh youre giving me a total headache"

The older gasp, utterly offended by the younger's words--

"Hey!, im the most beautiful man in the whole wide universe, even namjoon can prove that."

"Well of course since you use some kind of potion to somehow make him fall inlove with you" taehyung exclaimed while rolling his eyes mockingly..

"What?!..bitch i don't even need to try--"

"Hey honey, I already finish my business with Taehyung's representative, you ready to go?" Namjoon interupted with a smile and the softest tone he can give.

"O my god, finally i can breath! Thank you hyung, youre the best! Now please collect your...ugghh..husband"taehyung made a disgusted face to jin that was unnoticable to his own brother whomst just smiled at the preferable name.

"my pleasure, baby bro" and before his husband(seokjin) can even protest, he was fast to snatch him in his chair, lifting him up bridal style as he made his way out of the Ceo's office with a huge grin on his face that just made taehyung grimace at the lovely sight, he sure is bitter.

'Blurggh i definitely can't imagine myself in a relationship, i mean who need a person to love when you can just spend your money to yourself?' Taehyung thought to himself.

"Tch..i'm not gonna go down to that shit ever again."

.......Even if i have to lock my heart for anyone but myself...

I will never,  ever fall inlove again.

"Never, again."

And no one can change that.

Not even Him.




ctually loving taehyung's vibe here so far ngl👀

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