Lady Tsunade | Rasengan training

Start from the beginning

"Kit, just. No" he told Naruto as Naruto sighed
"Fine!" he said as he folded the spandex and kept it in his bag, both Jiraiya and Kurama sighed in relief. Jiraiya told Naruto that as he trains he will be gathering information on Tsunade in the town they just arrived at.

The streets were bustling, filled with people and food stands, Naruto looked around in amazement since this is his first time seeing a town full of life.
"Woah! This is my first time for this kind of thing!" he told Jiraiya, he spent most of his time training that he never got to attend festivals held back in Konoha, well the villagers wouldn't let him so being in this town excited him. After seeing the excitement of the blonde, Jiraiya smiled
"You go have yourself some fun before we start training. The festival should still go in and we'll stay here for the duration. We'll train here too!" and with that, Naruto jumped in happiness as he took out his toad wallet. Jiraiya looked at the wallet in shock to see the toad look like it wants to vomit, Naruto told him that he's been saving a lot from the missions he took to buy things he wants in the future.

He was about to go on his way but Jiraiya stopped him and took his wallet, he gave Naruto 300 ryo which Naruto complained because his wallet and savings were stolen but Jiraiya reminded him of the Shinobi's Three Taboos which are booze, women, and money. Naruto had no worries with the booze and women but Jiraiya told him that he may lose himself to money which happened to Tsunade, Naruto pointed out how Jiraiya is basically ruined with women but Jiraiya shoved that thought away. He let Naruto hold on to his bag as he go on an information-gathering mission, Naruto suspected his actions for a while but decided not to question it. With that, they separated ways to do their thing.

Naruto went around the village buying different food that fit the budget, he then went to a hill to indulge himself in the food. Watching his host eating to his heart's content, Kurama sighed as he rested his head on his arms

"Don't eat too much, you'll get a tummy ache" Kurama warned as Naruto nodded
"I know" he said as he took another bite of the okonomiyaki he bought. After eating everything he bought, he burped as he rubbed his bloated belly. He peered over the busy streets of the town and smiled,
"You know Kurama, I really enjoyed it" Naruto said as Kurama's ears perked up
"I easily bought food from the stalls and even interacted a bit with the vendors. It's really nice to see those smiling faces instead of the glares I get from the villagers. I don't even remember buying anything as myself but as a Henge back in Konoha..." Naruto continued as Kurama frowned


"Say you're sorry again and I'll seal you back in a cage" Naruto interrupted as Kurama scoffed
"It's not your fault Kurama, you know that-"

"I don't have to hear that explanation from you again. I already know" Kurama interrupted as Naruto smiled. Naruto leaned back as he rested his head on his hands and out his right leg over his left leg and looked at the clear blue sky.
"I wonder how everyone is? Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke, Sakura-chan..." Naruto mumbled
"And I wonder what the other Jinchūriki do. Do they train? Eat then sleep it off?" Naruto asked as he laughed then suddenly turn serious
"I'm going to train hard every day and come back stronger. That way, I can protect them better! And when I'm ready, I'll gather everyone and maybe I'll create a safe place for us to go to!" Naruto said as he smiled in determination making Kurama smile. He then stood up as he stretched
"But! Gotta do some workout first!" he said. And by workout, he meant having fun. Naruto begged Kurama to let him play a few games and with defeat, Kurama let him.

After buying a mask and accidentally tripping on a rock, Jiraiya's bankbook fell out. Being the curious boy he is, Naruto took a look and his jaw dropped to see the many 0's in the bankbook. Sighing as he kept it, he bought two grilled squid for the both of them and went to look for him.
"Tch, if he had that many money then he should be treating me. Instead! He just had to take my money!" he ranted, Kurama got into thinking and said

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