"Is it true he will inherit his father's hospital?" Luna asks while putting some grapes on a plate.

"Yes, it is true. But I don't know there is something there. He said at first he didn't want to take over but it has been something he has been working on achieving for a while. He also says you learn to love things eventually." I respond, reaching for some grapes.

"I am not surprised honestly. Everyone in the academy knows how his family is hard on him since they are well known all around the world. I guess they are just trying to maintain their reputation." Luna responds.

"Yes I know but I can't help but feel sad. I mean my family is far from perfect but it never gives them the right to decide for my future." I say

"Well I mean they are your parents so they do have a say," Luna tells me.

"Yes, I know. What I am saying is how they can give us advice on what to do but never force us to do something we don't want." I try to clarify.

"But what makes you think he doesn't want to become a doctor or take over the hospital?"Luna asks.

"The way he expressed himself when talking about his future. It seemed forced. I mean maybe I am taking it the wrong way because I still can't say I know him but those were the vibes I got from him." I say.

And Luna knows out of everyone how I can tell a lot from a person just by having a simple conversation. I like to observe people which helps me figure out how I should act towards them.I know something when I see it.

"I can't imagine his life to be like that honestly. In school, it seems as if he has everything anyone could ever ask for." Luna says.

"That the power of life. Some have everything and are not happy while others have nothing and are happy. You never know a person's true story." I say

"This is why I am so glad I met you. Sometimes I feel like you are not even real because our friendship is something I just can't explain." Luna says.

"Hahaha me too Luna. I am real girl. You can pinch me if you want. Thank you for being my best friend in everything. I am literally an open book with you. No one knows me more than you and I wouldn't change it for the world." I say

After finishing eating we began to paint and it was honestly a day of relaxation and just overall appreciating us being together as best friends.

Taking time for yourself is something we all need in the world. I know we are constantly busy or have no motivation but it truly cleanses your soul.

Today helped me think about a lot of things.

I know what I want my future to look like. I know what I want and I will not settle for less. I will not let anyone tell me what I can and can't do. This is the life of Rose Sullivan only. If I make mistakes it's okay. I will take pride in them but I want to learn from myself.

The Academy of the Arts has always been an escape route for me as well as being able to get an education. An escape route of everything I was going through back home and becoming a new person. I have no intentions in pleasing anyone in my life but myself.

But Blake...

He seems as if he's fighting through demons himself. I can help him but only if he wants. I just hope I don't get hurt along the way or hurt him.


Dear Diary,

Let me tell you about my best friend Luna Young. I met her on my first day in The Academy. We have known each other for 4 years now. At first I believed she was a bitch. People do tend to say Luna has a mean face. But I swear when you get to know her she has the personality of a teddy bear. She has always been there for me through everything I have gone through in life. She knows me more than my family. I will forever thank god for putting her in my path because I wouldn't know what to do without her. I hope everyone finds a friendship like Luna and I. Don't rush it because I swear they come when you least expect it. Luna if you ever read my diary entry's this one's for you, the one I can tell my soul to. Because of you the world is not as ugly as I thought it would be. You have saved me from my darkest moments. I owe you my life.

Your best friend forever.



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