Chapter 3

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"So.. are you relatives of us or..?" ask the 15-year-old Ron.

"Oh, more than just your relatives. We are your kids." said Louis.


"Um I don't know if you should say that Lou.. wouldn't it messed up the timeline?" ask Molly II.

"Well, I think your parents will obliviate us when you get back, so I don't think there's any problem to tell us your name." answer Dumbledore kindly.

"Oh okay, guess I'll go first then. M-m-my name is Edward Remus 'Teddy' Lupin-" he was cut off by Remus.

"Are you a-a-" Remus ask uncomfortably but everyone seems to know what he's about to ask.

"No, I'm not. I'm a metamorphmagus." He change his hair from blue, to yellow, and back to blue again.

"Am I your mother?" ask Nymphadora Tonks.

Teddy really wants to cry because he never saw his parents, this is the first time he remember meeting them. But he hold his tears, they can't know that they die. Well, his father already have a feeling that he'll die. But not his mom..

"Yes" answer Teddy

"I'm 23 years old, was in Hufflepuff, head boy. The only child and son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. Now I'm training as Auror like my godfather." He continues the introduction trying to cheer his voice up. Everyone but the children from the future notices it and become really sad on their face. Even James and Fred have a sad and guilty look on their faces.

"Who's you godfather?" ask Tonks

"Harry Potter" answer Teddy, trying to handle his emotion.

"I'm an auror?" ask Harry.


Harry smile.

Teddy and his parents now are having a little family time now.

A very good-looking girl step forward.

"Er -- ok I'll go next. I'm Victoire Weasley" Victoire introduce herself.

"Weasley? With Blonde hair?" cut Ron.

"Yes uncle Ron, Weasley with Blonde hair." answer Victoire with a smile on her face.

The 'uncle Ron' part make him a little red on his face while Hermione just chuckle silently because of Ron's face.

"Anyway, I'm the first child and daughter of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour."

"Fleur? Fleur Delacour? I thought that you were only helping her 'eemprove 'er 'eenglish." Mock Fred with a made-up French accent.

"Oh. shut up" Bill said with a blush on his cheeks. He was already fall in love with her and no one knows.

"I'm 21 years old, one-eight veela, was in Gryffindor and uh engaged to Teddy."

And when she said this, Bill give Teddy a dirty look. A look like he wants to kill Teddy right now. But he stop that look and look to his future daughter again who already continued the introduction.

"And also, I do not play quidditch. And I'm a Healer at St. Mungos. I guess that's all, anyway I have two siblings."

This sentence make Bill even more happy and blush. Than another girl step forward.

"I'm Dominque Weasley, I'm Victoire's sister, second child and daughter of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. I'm 19 years old I was in Gryffindor and I'm a curse breaker at Gringotts bank like my dad." Dominique finishes.

"I'm Louis Weasley, the last child and son of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. I'm in Gryffindor, 16, sixth year, and I only play quidditch at home and I usually play Chaser." Louis finished his introduction.

And a girl showed up

"I'm Molly Weasley II, I'm in Gryffindor, I'm 17. I have a sister." Molly II introduce herself.

"I'm Lucy Weasley, I'm Molly's sister. I'm 16, in Gryffindor."

"Wait, who're your parents?" ask Charlie

Molly II and Lucy Weasley look at their cousins and some of them nods, some of them smile.

"Just tell them, your parents aren't as hated as mine." said Scorpius

"O-o-our parents a-a-are Percy and Audrey Weasley." They said the sentence together and when they say their parents' name, things got worse.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET OUT" Ron's voice was the biggest one.

Hermione trying to calm him down but he only said "they're that git's kids" and Hermione can only say "Yes, but they're your nieces".

"OI! SHUT IT!" Molly II shouted and the chaos stopped.

"FIRST, DAD COME BACK 2 YEARS LATER. SECOND, IF YOU HATE OUR FATHER, THAN GO TO OUR FATHER, NOT US. IT'S NOT OUR FAULT THAT DAD DISOWNED HIS FAMILY. THIRD, DAD REALLY IS SORRY ABOUT DISOWNING HIS FAMILY THAT HE NAMED MY SISTER AFTER HIS MOTHER TO SHOW HOW GUILTY HE IS. NOW WILL YOU ALL SHUT IT?" Lucy shouted, she didn't say that her father disowned his family is not wrong but people change right? Her father is one of them. And it's not her or her sister's fault anyway.

"Sorry" murmured Ron

"It's okay Uncle Ron." replied Molly II with a smile on her face

"Is it my turn yet?" A boy who looks like Fred and George, just with tanned skin, ask.

"Ugh, go on.." Lucy replied and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay, Fred Weasley II at your service. Greatest prankster ever come to Hogwarts." Fred II said with a happy look on his face.

"Wicked" said the Fred I and George. They have a smirk on their face.

"Who's your parents? Is it me?" ask George excitedly.

"Yes, my parents are George Weasley and Angelina Johnson" Fred II says with a smirk on his face.

Fred I has a bad feeling about it. George only name his kid after someone IF that someone really mean that much to him. "Why would he name his kid after me?" he thought. "Did I die?" "What happen to me?" A lot of questions start filling his mind but he hide it.

On the other hand, Fred II's trying to not cry and give a cheery look instead, because this is the first time he met his namesake and his father looks really happy. Sure, in the future his father is still a funny and happy, but after the war, it's like something is missing and broken on the inside. And it broke him, his sister and mother too, seeing George visiting his twin's grave and stay there for hours. His thoughts were cut up by Fred I's voice.

"Hey! You stole my girlfriend!"

"She's not your girlfriend, you only ask her to the yule ball. That's all." George said with a smirk and a little blushing.

"I am in Gryffindor, play for the house team as Beater, I'm 17, seventh year." Fred continues to introduce himself.


I feel sad writing about Teddy, Fred (both Fred), Molly II and Lucy though. I would cry actually in Teddy's or Fred (both Fred)'s position. Ok, I don't know what to say anymore. Then, bye.. I guess LMAO

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