Chapter 4: Exploring Our New Home

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Tatsumaki: And this is where you'll get your food....

Tatsumaki pointed out a long, flat white building, on top of which sat a massive sign that read "Food Farm"

Tatsumaki: It has a stupid name, but they're the only supermarket in City A, so....

I grunted in agreement as she floated further down the street, into a big crowd, which parted swiftly as they saw her, letting her pass through. I could easily hear the fear and admiration in their whispers as we passed them.

?: Woah, its the terrible tornado.....

?: She's one of the strongest hero's out there....

?: Who's that metal dude with her?

?: Probably some poor guy that got stuck babysitting her....

At that last comment, Tatsumaki turns towards the crowd angrily.

Tatsumaki: Who said that?! I heard you!

No one spoke up, unsurprisingly, and she continued on the path, muttering.

Tatsumaki: I do NOT need babysitting.....

She sighs loudly as we walk into an intersection. In front of us is a tall building with many, many windows, each one having a
small balcony.

Tatsumaki: Right there is where you'll be staying. Unfortunately, you're apartment is right next to mine, I guess the council wants me to watch you or something....

She lets out another loud sigh, voicing her disappointment in the decision, while Ava looks at her with joy.

Ava: That means we can hang out, right?

Tatsumaki stares at her bright yellow eyes, mixed feelings crossing her face.


Ava leaps up, shouting "Yay!" Into the sky. Then, suddenly gains a look of apprehension and looks up at me.

Ava: Well, if Daddy's ok with it...

Tatsumaki looks back at me as I think. She had proven herself to not be trying to hurt her, so I suppose it'd be fine. I give them a thumbs up as Ava's smile widens, and begins hugging the life out of my leg.

Ava: Thanks Daddy!

Finally, we begin moving across the street towards the building she showed me. We enter through two large doors, into the main lobby, a clean and brightly decorated entrance. Plants dotted its corners, and a bright red carpet marked the path towards the elevator. To our right as we entered, we heard a cheery voice speak up.

Lady: Hello! Welcome to A-plus apartments, the best apartments in City A!

Christ, does every place in this city have a stupid name? Tatsumaki gestures towards me and Ava.

Tatsumaki: This is the "special case" you should have been told about.

Lady: Ah, of course! Just one moment...

She leaned down and dug around her desk for a moment, then swiftly turned back up, handing the keys to me with a bright smile.

Lady: Here you are! Your rooms 404. Right next to Ms.Tatsumaki's room.

We turned towards the stairwell, and as we entered it the lady shouted up at us.

Lady: Oh! And Ms.Tatsumaki? The cleaner is in your room currently, so please stay out!

Tatsumaki stops suddenly, then bolts up the stairs. And loud crash and a startled yell follows her, and someone tumbles a way down the stairs, likely some poor guy who was caught up in her rampage. From a few floors up, I hear her shouting.

Tatsumaki: I swear, if you touched my stuff, I'm sending you out the window!

I quickly make my way up to the fourth floor, mainly trying to prevent Tatsumaki from killing someone, and I come to a long hallway, with many doors dotting each side of it. In front of one of them, Tatsumaki is telling off some poor cleaning lady, who was just trying to do her job. I walk past them to my door, but Ava swiftly ducks under Tatsumaki and runs into her room, giggling madly. Tatsumaki looks away from the poor cleaner for a moment, then looks to me. I shrug, signaling "It's your problem for now." Enter my room, and swiftly shut the door.

I mentally sigh with relief, and gaze around my new home. A room with dark grey walls and grey carpet greets me, and directly ahead of me is a glass door leading to the balcony. Aside from that, it was completely barren, though I decided I'd eventually fill it. Adjacent to that room, were three others. One a bathroom, one a equally barren kitchen with a small island, and finally a bedroom, with the only feature within being a large bed and a window directly behind it.

I sit down on the bed, the fame creaking under my massive metal suit. It looked comfy enough, and with Tatsumaki babysitting Ava, I suppose I've got some time to sleep. I begin unchaining my helmet, and with a loud thud that echos through the room, it falls to the ground. With a heave of effort, I pull off the other pieces of my suit, until I'm completely free, the pieces piled up in the corner beside the bed.

For the first time in a long time, I look at my real hands. Grey, like a long dead corpse, with deep cracks running along them. I never had the opportunity to take my suit off in Rapture, so I never really saw myself....

I lean back and place my head on the soft pillow, and close my eyes. For awhile, I drift blankly through an empty mind, not thinking, just........blank.

Then my thoughts drift to Rapture. My memories are still clear as day from when I was there. Of the doctors that placed me in this suit, the dark, twisting tunnels, cold with leaking seawater, and the giant pillar-like buildings the rose up from the seabed. I still had no memories of what brought me there. I doubt I'll ever know....





I jolt up from the bed, groaning loudly. I raise my right hand, then remember I'm not wearing my suit...

Ava: Wake up, Daddy!

Ava is standing on the other side of me, jumping up and down on the bed. She stops and smiles at me, her yellow eyes gleaming.

I run my hand on the back of my head, and sit on the side of the bed. How long was I asleep?

Before I can ponder that any further, Ava jumps up from the bed and grabs my arm, tugging and trying to get me to stand up.

Ava: Naps are boooooring, Papa! Let's do something fun!

I laugh, a deep noise that echos through the room. I stand up slowly and begin putting on my suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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