Prologue 1: Awakening

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A bright light filled my eyes. I tried to cover them, only to find my hands strapped down. A moment later the light moves, and I see two strangers standing over me. One looks at his clipboard, than back to me, and smiles.

?: Welcome back to the world, Mr...

He looks down to his clipboard, flipping through a few pages covered in writing, then closing it.

?: I suppose it doesn't matter what your name was. From today forward, you are Subject Omega.

I tried to speak, to ask where the hell I was, but all that escaped my mouth was a low groan that seemed to echo throughout the room.

?: Ah, don't bother talking. We've adjusted your vocal cords. The only way you can communicate now is through moans and groans.

I struggled against my restraints for a moment, then stopped due to the pressure. This garnered a quiet laugh from the doctor.

?: I see you have some fight in you. Good. Dr. Suchong will be very pleased.

He then turned towards the other doctor, who had been silent until then, and barked an order at her.

?: Nurse! Wheel him in to the second area. We will begin the fitting for the diving suit.

She nodded and began doing as instructed. As I was wheeled out of the room, the doctor looked towards me once more and smiled.

?: Welcome to Rapture, Omega.


As I was being wheeled around, I tried to remember anything I could. I delved into my mind, seeking the faintest memory of something, anything, but I found nothing. All I knew is my name and where I was, but there had to be more to that. There had to have been something before this.

As I thought, I turned my head on its side to the right, and managed to glimpse something strange. A massive window in the next room, going from the ground to the ceiling. But the window wasn't what caught my eye, it was what I saw through it. Great towers and buildings, covered by bright shining lights, and a landscape doused in blue. I even saw a few fish swimming by, which could only mean I was in a.... underwater city? What madman would build a city underwater?

Before I could think any more about that, I was wheeled into another brightly lit room. The nurse brought me to a stop in the middle of it, and then left into an open door. A few moments later, another doctor emerged out of it, writing something on a clipboard. He looked at me with an uninterested expression, as if he wasn't impressed by what the nurse had brought. After a moment he began speaking in a dry, dull voice.

Dr. Suchong: Greetings Subject Omega. I am Doctor Suchong, and I will be fitting you to your suit today. Dr. Strickland said I should expect great things from you, but...

He looked down at me with a disgusted expression, as if I was was some slug that suddenly plopped down in front of him, barely worth his attention.

Suchong: All I see in you is unused potential. No guidance, no reason to exist. The most useless thing in existence. But maybe, with a little work and effort....

He struck his clipboard with his pencil as he finished writing.

Suchong: We can make use of that wasted potential.

He laughed, and motioned towards the door.

Suchong: Bring in the suit. Let's begin.

As the nurse wheeled in what appeared to be a modified heavy diving suit, Suchong stuck me with a needle in the neck. Moments later, my eyes grew heavy, and my vision clouded over.

Suchong: Don't worry, Omega. When I'm done with you, maybe you'll be worth that potential.

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