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I know this is going to sound familiar to the "Kit Fisto's (female) padawan story but it's almost midnight and I'm too tired to think of anything else.

Carmen was walking to Senator Organa's office, when she passed by Palpatine's office though she heard Count Dooku say "what is your plan master?"

Carmen stops dead in her tracks and went up to the door before she quickly presses a button on her comm to record what there saying.  Palpatine say "Don't worry lord Tyrannous, I will think of a new plan, every day Skywalker falls closer to the dark side and soon he will join us."

Carmen lets out a gasp and stops the recording before running to the temple, she quickly finds Windu and says "Master, you need to listen to me, Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord and I have proof."

She shows him the recording and says "I must get this to the council immediately, do not engage him, wait for us." Windu then runs to the council room with the recording but Carmen knew she couldn't wait so she ran back to the senate building.

She walks inti the Chancellor's office and ignites her lightsaber, she glares at Palpatine and says "your under arrest, my lord." He glares at her and says "your committing treason padawan."

She snarls at him and says "we'll let the senate decide that." He yells "I AM THE SENATE!" Before he ignites his lightsaber and runs at her. She quickly blocks his attack and parries all of his strikes.

Palpatine may be more experienced and elegant but Carmen was faster and conserved her strength and soon they started fighting in the hallways and she could hear senators screaming and running towards the exits.

After a while, she realized that her speed wouldn't win the fight, she was starting to tire so she got an idea. She pushed him into a support beam before running away from him.

Palpatine snarls at her and says "come back here you brat!" Before running after her. She hid behind one of the support beams and waited for Palpatine.

He soon came around the corner and says "you can't hide forever, you little brat." She then knocks the support beam down on him and Palpatine rolls out of the way. She smirks and says "what's wrong old man, you back hurt."

He glares at her and says "You have your masters arrogance along with his stubbornness." She smirks and says "I'd say there my best traits." He growls at her before releasing a barrage of attacks against her.

Carmen had a difficulty blocking all of his blows so she didn't have any time to realize that she left her left side vulnerable, Palpatine slashes her thigh making her let if her lightsaber and fall to the ground, clutching it in pain .

Palpatine laughs and says "I've been waiting to do this for 3 years." He raises his lightsaber and swings it at her but it's blocked.

Not by Carmen, but by Kit, who says "well hello Chancellor, I must say you look uglier then I remembered."

Palpatine snarls at him and that's when he realizes that it's not just Kit but also Master Windu, Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, and Master Plo Koon.

Windu glares at Palpatine and says "you missed one very vital information about us Chancellor, you mess with the padawan's then you mess with the masters."

They then start attacking Palpatine and although he was very experienced, he was having trouble battling against 5 masters at once. Master Windu soon got the best of him and decapitated his head, killing him.

The masters then focus there attention to Carmen, who'm Obi Wan was trying to help up stand up and Windu immediately goes over to her and says "come padawan, we need to get you to the healers."

She nods and Windu picks her up before carrying her back to the ship and to the temple.

Mace Windu's (female) padawanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя