The Chase

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Carmen was walking back to the temple, when she suddenly felt a warning in force. She immediately activated her lightsaber and spun around just as a bullet was about to her, she deflects it and sees movement at the top of a building.

She uses the force to jump up there and and sees Cad Bane getting on a speeder, runs at him and jumps on it. Bane starts shooting at her while also piloting.

They soon start descending into the lower levels and Carmen jumps off of his speeder once she realizes that it was a pointless fight because she would get lost if she went any deeper.

She then presses her comm and says "Ponds, I need a pick up." Ponds says "on it commander, where are you?" She sighs and says "on a ship that's heading up from the lower levels."

Ponds says "what were you doing there sir?"

She says "I'll tell you once I get a pickup Captain."

Ponds says "on it sir, be there in 5" before turning off his comm.

Once Ponds comes to pick her up, she gets into the speeder and says "thank you commander, the reason I was here was because Cad Bane tried to shoot me so I chased him here until I realized that if I went any further into the lower levels I would get lost."

Ponds nods and says "anytime sir, by the way the General is looking for you, something about sensing your fear through the force."

Carmen sighs and says "or course he felt my fear." Soon they get to the temple and Ponds lands the speeder, she hops out and soon enough Windu walks up to her and says "padawan where have you been? And why did I sense fear through our bond?"

Carmen sighs and says "To make a long story short, Cad Bane tried to shoot me, I chased him while on a speeder, we got to the lower levels but I gave up chase once I realized that if I went any further I would get lost."

Windu sighs and says "padawan, next time call me before you do anything brash."

She smirks and says "and where's the fun in that master?" Windu rolls his eyes and says "you've been spending to much time with Skywalker."

Carmen smirks and says "even though you don't show it, I know deep down that you do care for him." Windu rolls his eyes and says "come on padawan, let's get you inside."

She nods and they walk into the temple.

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