Battle of Ryloth part 2

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Windu was able to get the Twi Lek rebels to stop pointing there guns at Carmen and now she, Windu, and 1 trooper were entering there base.

Windu said "some hideout you have here"

Syndulla said "it has advantages."

They soon pass by some weird looking animals and Carmen said "we saw the graves of many of your people in the battlefield as well, together we can prevent that from happening again."

Syndulla stopped walking and said "do u know why we were massacred master Jedi, when the droids swept over Ryloth, the Republic was unable to help us, we were forced to surrender and came here unarmed, the Separatists brought tanks to exterminate us."

The trooper, who was trying to pet the weird looking animal, said "come here boy, come on, come here fellow, see there's nothing to be afraid of here."

He tried to pet it but as soon as he touches it, it suddenly charges at him through the cage, making the trooper step back and almost fall down.

One of the Twi Lek's says something in the language so Syndulla translates for the clone and said "he says she may be ill tempered but she is much faster then you walking machines."

The trooper says "I don't know about that."

They soon keep walking until they some to the center of the cave, a little girl runs up to Syndulla so he picks her up and holds her with one arm, soon a Male Twi Lek walks towards Syndulla while holding his arm.

Syndulla says to him "what is this? A scratch. Cobi get better, I need you."

Cobi says something in his foreign language.

Syndulla says "we have little food or drink but it is tradition to share what we do have with our guests."

Windu gives him a small smile and nods, they sit down and start eating and after a few minutes some Twi Leks start dancing.

Carmen, Windu, and Syndulla sit under a mud roof and watch, Syndulla says "I hope you don't mind this, a little distraction goes far to ease the burden of the war on my men."

Carmen smiles and says "you have provided well for your men, all your people, so why won't you help us free them from this occupation?"

Syndulla sighs and says "I don't trust senator Taa, his plans for our world after the war."

Windu says "The Republic will help you rebuild, we won't abandon you."

Syndulla says "your troops will stay?"

Windu says "for a while"

Carmen finishes with "to keep the peace."

Syndulla glares at Windu and says "Another armed occupation is not a free Ryloth, how long before I am fighting you, Master Jedi?"

Windu's comm beeps and he presses a button before saying "what is it Captain?"

Ponds says "the droids have begun a firebombing campaign, several villages in our sector have been destroyed sir."

Syndulla looks down saddened and Carmen sighs.

Syndulla thinks for a moment before saying "make the arrangements, I will speak to senator Taa."

After a few minutes, Carmen, Windu, and Syndulla walk into a secluded rom before Windu turns on his comm, showing senator Taa.

Syndulla says "Senator Taa so glad you could join us from comfortable Courasant, our people have survived with only me."

Senator Taa says "I knew you would try to turn this into a campaign to take power, need I remind that it is I who leads our people in the senate."

Syndulla glares at him and says "and it is I who leads our people here and now!"

Mace Windu's (female) padawanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें