chapter fifteen | the peace and the panic

Start from the beginning

"Guess you aren't leaving." Murayama chuckled

"You are just loving this, aren't you."

"You're like a celebrity."

Sighing, I stared down at the cracked screen of my dying phone. I had three missed calls from Noboru, eighteen text messages from Dachi, and a call from Hiroomi, who literally never calls anybody. When I saw the time, I felt like kicking myself. "Well, I missed class this morning. That's nice."

"You clearly needed a break. You've been working yourself sick all week." Furuya commented

"Okay, anybody not eating breakfast needs to fuck off, there are way too many people in here and my head is killing me." I said, a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Your face looks terrible." Fujio remarked, shoveling a forkful of barely cooked instant shrimp ramen into his mouth.

"Yours too, Hanoaka. I think we all look like crap, last night was a disaster." I scowled as my phone lost the remainder of it's battery. "Does anybody have a phone charger?"

Tsuji nodded, reaching into the pocket of his cargo joggers. "Take it. My mom called, I'm kind of in the hot seat for missing curfew again."

"Loser." Yasushi coughed, finally giving up on his coffee and hanging up on whoever he was talking to. "I'm out. Sakura's anxiety is off the walls, Seki tore her a new one after he picked her up. She's lucky nobody's pressing charges."

"Who's Sakura." Tsukasa prodded, raising an eyebrow

"Don't look at me like that." The younger boy snapped "I've known her since we were seven, she'd probably have a mental breakdown without me."

"She's Seki's girlfriend's kid, isn't she?" I hummed, remembering the conversation Seki had over the phone the night before

"We're having a cookout for my birthday in a few days." Furuya said "Bring her around, I'm sure she'd like the company."

Yasushi shook his head "She's not exactly a people person."

"A cookout?" I hummed, turning to Murayama "Was I not invited?"

The boy shrugged, retreating into the sweater he had borrowed form me, insisting that if we were a couple now there was nothing strange about him wearing my men's hoodie anyways. "Our cookouts get a little... wild. The full-timers are lightweights, the part-timers drink too much, usually by the end of the night somebody ends up in the hospital and usually it's Todoroki."

I raised an eyebrow "And you weren't going to let me in on this chaos because..."

"It just didn't seem like your thing. You like reading books, and cooking and not chaotic barbecues!" Murayama defended

"See, now that is inherently incorrect." I said pointedly, quickly texting Daichi back to tell him I wasn't dead "I was the beer pong queen at Sato."

"Oh really." Shibaman remarked, disbelief seeping into his tone

"Oh yeah, we had an incredible table set up in one of the old classrooms, but it went the longer way of the room to create more distance." I said, eager to reminisce over the better of my Sato days.

"One day, when we aren't hungover and bruised, I'm challenging you." Fujio said, dropping the empty plastic ramen tub in the sink.

"Who taught you manners?" I joked "You don't leave dishes in the sink for me to deal with, Hanoaka, you do it yourself."

Fujio raised his arms in surrender "Alright, alright. I'll throw it out."

"Thank you. Now what are you lot still doing here, I thought I told you to piss off."

𝚃𝙴𝙴𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴 𝙳𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙶 ,, high&lowWhere stories live. Discover now