He Loves Me Again (Deacury)

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John's pov

I didn't know what I did to deserve something like this. This was awful. It felt like the world had stopped spinning.

Freddie, my now ex-boyfriend, doesn't love me anymore.

He broke up with me around three months ago and I don't know what else to do. It feels like a ton of bricks are piled on top of me. It feels like my heart is forever shattered. I don't know what I did to him. I don't know what I said. I don't know what it is about me that made him stop loving me. I guess I'm just not good enough for him.

I've been down and depressed ever since. I'm in my bed a lot more and I've cried more than I've ever had in my life. Every single time we have to record a new song or something like that in the recording studio, it's like he doesn't even acknowledge me. He has been acting as if he never loved me before. It's like the love of my life will never come back to me no matter what, and that breaks my heart even more.

Although I absolutely hate having to go to the recording studio, I have to. I woke up this morning with pain in my eyes, as I cried myself to sleep last night, but I got up and headed to the shower. It takes a lot of motivation for me to shower and do everyday activities when I'm this unhappy if I'm being honest. But I knew that the guys would question my scent if I didn't shower so I had to.

I got out of the shower and put a towel around my waist. I sighed as I went back into my room to pick out some clothes from my closet. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, did something about my hair, and no, I didn't have breakfast. I've been eating a lot less recently and I've been skipping breakfast a lot. I wasn't that hungry, anyway.

I drove to our recording studio. I noticed Brian, Roger, and Freddie already had their cars parked outside so they were already there. I sighed before entering.

"Hey, guys," I quietly said out loud to them once I put my bass down. Brian was leaning against the couch with his red special. Roger and Freddie were in the booth doing their bits for 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' which is a new song that Freddie wrote. He told us that he wrote it in the bubble bath in under 20 minutes. Freddie is so talented and amazing . . . I wish I can have him back.

I watched as Freddie and Roger were playing their bits. Actually, I was more focused on Freddie. The way he sang was a kind of magic. His voice was everything to me. I remember those days where we would cuddle in bed together after making love and he would softly sing 'Love Of My Life' to me as I was falling asleep.

He sang 'Love Of My Life' to me all the time. He wrote it for me. (I know Freddie wrote it for Mary but we're just going to pretend he wrote it for John in this one.) He always reminded me that I was the love of his life.

I guess I'm just not the love of his life anymore.

I was thinking about Freddie for so long that I didn't realize he and Roger were finished. "John," I heard Brian call my name, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked and saw Freddie and Roger outside the booth door. They were waiting for me and Brian.

"Are you coming?" Brian asked and I nodded. I got my bass out of its case and walked into the booth with Brian.

Brian was great at playing his bit, but I was struggling. I really couldn't focus, it was probably because I was tired, unenergetic, and heartbroken. I was playing the wrong notes and missing when to play. Brian and I groaned in annoyance.

"How about we take a break?" Roger asked over the microphone. Brian and I nodded while I watched Roger and Freddie step outside for a cigarette.

"John, what's wrong?" Brian asked me as he put his red special back in the case. I sighed but didn't answer, I just looked down at my shoes. "Is it Freddie?" He asked in a whisper. I frowned at him and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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