sleep at mine! | ch.2

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As the two arrived back at Langas, Reki began to feel normal again! They decided to spend the day watching youtube in Langas room and eating snacks. 

Langas Mum- Hey! *knocks on door* Boys! I wandered if Reki wanted to stay over tonight? Your mum sent me a message saying she would be out this evening and your siblings have a babysitter so im more than welcome to let you stay over!

Reki- If thats ok with you ma'am! 

Langas Mum- Theres no need for the "ma'am" haha! I just want you boys to be happy ok?

Reki stood up and walked over to the doorway with Langa to thank his mother. The three spoke for a while and then parted ways at around 9pm.

Langa- Uhh Reki do you wanna sleep with me since we are out of blankets?

Reki froze. (his thoughts) "S-Sleep? With Langa?! Ill just take the floor and spare my inner embarrement. Yeah... I need to get over my crush because he clearly only likes me as a friend."

Langa- Reki? You alive?

Reki- Oh. Uhh! Ill just sleep on the floor.

Langa- Seriously? You will get cold you know. Without blankets my floor is like ice! No im not letting you come stay with me.

Langa grabbed Rekis arm and tugged him through their warm, aesthetic hallway that led into Langas room. The two were wearing their matching fluffy socks that would slide across the wood that covered the floor. They began to giggle and spin around making squeaky noises with their socks and dancing whilst holding hands. It was what they had done since the first sleepover although the bright blue and red socks were now worn out.

Reki and Langa looked at eachother like they had done for years, but something felt different this time. Reki began to get the same feeling he had before they faught. He was definitely in love with his bestfriend. He began to think about all the things they do together and how lost he would be if it werent for Langas warm hugs and kind words.

(rekis thoughts) "Im so glad things are starting to clear up between us again. I missed the old Langa"

{ SPOILERS- BTW im talking about the fight that happened in ep 7 this is like a timeskip <3}

It was getting late now, after watching some more skating videos Langa decided he would go to sleep but Reki didnt feel tired at all. His heart was racing! None other than his crush was sleeping right next to him... He felt himself going red as Langa turned over to face him and they locked eyes in the dark, the purple light from the TV bouncing off their faces. 

Langa- Close your eyes Reki, i cant be that cute when im sleeping !!

He chuckled and tucked Reki into bed with him, he thought for a second but then he was fed up of his mind always overthinking. In that moment, Langa wrapped his arms around Reki and pulled him in closer still looking into his eyes.

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