March 3🌸

100 5 6

Hello Lovelies!
Lately my subliminal results haven't been very noticeable but my personality changed

I'm getting stronger mentally because I want to be a better person though I've haven't been the happiest I'm still smiling like usagi and Sakura.

I prefer it when I'm the energetic happy go lucky solar and the shining star of the group I want to be the person everyone depends on because I've never had somebody like that!

It's hard keeping the persona but it worth it!

I've decided that I'm living my life not only for myself but for others.
Personally I think everyone deserves a second chance from the nastiest villains
To petty thieves!

What do you guys think about it?
I might be naive but I don't care true evil is rare to find I doubt most people are it
Life is tough for of many countless circumstances that's leads to there "evilness".

Sorry for ranting (^ ^)
But the purpose of this is to tell you that I think I possibly finished my f shift
And at the end of my M shift though it's still a lot of things I still have to do!


May you always depend on the cosmos to protect you!
Because I am Solar!

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