After unsuccessfully trying to wake her up, I called 911. Shortly after, an ambulance came.

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I was sitting in the waiting room of the ER, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, I heard the clacking of high heels on the floor.

I turned my head to see a Japanese woman with long, black hair and emerald eyes wearing a business suit. She stopped when she got to me and sat down in the chair beside me.

"Piper Riddle, right?" asked the woman.

I nodded. What did she want with me?

"My name is Jessica," she explained.

I looked at her a little strangely but nodded.

"Piper, I'm sorry to tell you this, but your mother didn't make."

"Didn't make it?" I said. "You mean she's dead?" I didn't wait for a response. "Mom can't be gone; she was just here this morning! I saw her and talked to her! She's not dead! Where is she? Take me to my mommy!" My vision was blurred with tears, and I was filled with anger towards Jessica, refusing to believe her words.

"Piper, I am so sorry," she said quietly, wanting to make sure I didn't disturb any patients with my screaming. "She had a seizure, and by the time the ambulance arrived, there was nothing left they could do. ...She's not coming back."

"Mommy is... What happens now?" I asked, now curled up into a ball.

"We're going to help you now, Piper," Jessica said, putting her hand on my knee. "Everything's all set. You're going to have a new home and new friends. It'll all be okay in time."

"A new home? I... I don't want to leave," I said, shaking at the thought of having to leave all of my friends behind in Hudson.

"Don't worry. The people there are wicked nice," she assured me. "You'll be living at a gorgeous place; it's called the Wammy's House."

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Jessica and I walked through the gate and were greeted by a girl who looked around the age of fifteen.

"Well, this is where I get off," said Jessica.

"What?" I said, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. "But we just met; it's only been a few days."

She smiled warmly at me and said, "Don't worry, you'll be fine. You're a strong kid. You're moving here, I'll be moving to Japan. We'll be fine. The both of us." Then she turned around and walked off, out the large gates, and into the car we'd driven over in. She left me. Alone again.

People left me a lot as a child; not just my original parents who left me. I had a best friend, and we were with each other for years. We eventually got into a huge argument, and she stopped being friends with me, taking all our other friends with her.

After that, I stayed by myself for a time, until a boy started being nice to me. He would let me play with him and his friends, and I was happy again. Then he moved. After a while, his friends didn't play with me anymore. They were his friends, not mine.

I had friends back home, but after my mom died, I had to leave them. I was reluctant about coming to this place, and I was especially reluctant about becoming attached to it.

I looked up at the girl who had come to get me; she was tall, with dark brown hair and a warm smile on her face. Not being in the best of moods, I didn't smile back. After a moment of awkward silence, she spoke.

Riddles {a Death Note MelloXOC and NearXOC story}Where stories live. Discover now