Potter The Stalker part 1

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"We may start, is your name Draco Lucius Malfoy?" He asked. Draco took a shaky breath and prepared himself to respond.

"Yes" He could feel the veritaserum coursing through his veins making him spill whatever words he thought of.

"Are you aware of the charges you were given?" Another quiet yes and a gasp of breath from the boy were heard.

"Were you in the same room when Dumbledore died?" Draco gasped quietly, his lungs on fire from the lack of oxygen, he felt light headed but he had to be strong.

"Yes but-" Kingsley interrupted him.

"Do you willingly took the dark mark?"

"Yes but-" Draco wheezed a little louder than his liking making some people turn to look at him though he only kept his eyes on the Minister of magic.

"Then it's decided! Draco Lucius Malfoy-"

"Objection sir" Someone from the crowd shouted and Draco internally cringed, he didn't need to be saved again. It would better if he could just die quickly in azkaban, besides, he deserved it. Everyone including said boy turned to look at the person who was defending him, and Draco took a moment to look at the people there. His eyes widened at the sight of Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Luna Lovegood, Molly and Arthur Weasley, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Hermione Granger and non other than Harry Potter. Draco felt his eyes feeling heavier as his whole chest felt like it was going to collapse at any second, he took a moment to close his eyes and try to breath in and out, in and out...

"Harry Potter what is your objection?" Draco noticed the surprised tone in his voice.

"I want to defend him. First of all yes, he did become a death eater and he did it willingly but in the war he decided to stay on the light side, I myself was too busy fighting Bellatrix Lestrange to notice Greyback about to shot a spell to Ginny Weasley, she was too focused on fighting another death eater she didn't notice the one behind her and I was about to take the spell instead of it hitting her but Ma-Draco stood up in front of her and they fought together to take down the death eaters. He also saved me quite a lot of times, after I fell down from Hagrids arms he threw his wand at me and that said wand was the one I used to kill Voldemort. Second, he was in the scene when Dumbledore died but he wasn't the only one there, I was there too using the invisibility cloak to keep hidden and it was clear Draco didn't kill Dumbledore, It was Severus Snape. Draco was supposed to do it but I could tell he didn't want to, he would've lowered his wand if Bellatrix Lestrange and other death eaters hadn't entered the Astronomy Tower, after he couldn't do it, Snape stood up in front of him and used the killing curse on Dumbledore. He helped the death eaters enter Hogwarts in his sixth year because if he didn't they would've killed his family, every single day of sixth year Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley and I could tell he looked sicker as the days went by all thanks to the pressure of having to protect your family from a mad man. He ran away from the war because as most of us, he was just a kid. Lucius forced him to leave and run away trying to scape but it was obvious he didn't want to. And another reason why he shouldn't go to Azkaban is when I was caught and brought to Malfoy Manor, Lucius and Bellatrix asked him to say if it was me who was in front of him, my face was morphed thanks to a spell from Hermione and he still lied to his father, aunt and Voldemort, all three known to be experts at legilimency"

Everyone stared at Harry Potter with their jaws on the floor, Draco only tried becoming smaller in the chair not wanting to be saved by The Golden Boy yet again. Kingsley cleared his throat after a long silence.

"Anyone else?" He asked and Luna stood up.

"Sir I do have to say when Mister Ollivander, Dean Thomas and I were captured in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor he brought us more food, water potions, and even blankets charmed to became invisible when a death eater walked in. He helped Dean Thomas escape but was caught and his punishment was the Cruciatus curse used on him about ten times, we could all hear his screams echoing through the huge walls of the mansion." She sat back down and some people in the crowd were writing in tiny notebooks. Hermione was the next to stand up and spoke about the time Draco made sure she was ok after Bellatrix had tortured her and left her in the floor of the drawing room at Malfoy Manor. Molly Weasley talked about how Draco healed her leg after a bad hex had hit her.

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