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8th grade but Harry did go back to Hogwarts

"Is everyone ready?" Beamed Hermione and all the eighth years nodded. Hermione came up with the clever idea with the help of her new best friend Pansy of taking everyone to muggle London and going shopping to give them makeovers. Everyone was assigned a partner who was going to help them get the clothes and the other way around. The pairs where chosen with the help of a hat and tiny pieces of parchment that had each their names written on them. Ron was with Hermione, Dean was with Seamus, Neville was with Blaise, Pansy was with Draco and Harry was with Luna who decided to tag along since she wanted to go to muggle London as well. "Let's go then!" Harry exclaimed and some grabbed onto their partners to apparate. They all appeared on muggle London, and after everyone got after the sick feeling of apparating, they went to walk through the streets which were lighted up by a million lights.

Draco POV

This is so weird, there are so many lights and cars passing by, i'm honestly terrified. Pansy laughed which made me turn to her, she was looking at me and i, confused, raised an eyebrow as in asking what was wrong.

"You seem so scared like a lost puppy" She burst out laughing again and some turned to look at us weirdly. After that little moment of embarrassment we continued walking until we reached some place called a "Mall"

"Kinda sounds like Malfoy" Harry nudged my shoulder chucking and walking back with Granger who winked at him. I froze. Did- Did he- just- what the fuck. "Pansy what the fuck" I whispered shouted to my friend who was smirking and trying not to laugh.

"He seems interested in you" She punched my shoulder and winked before walking next to Granger and Harry and making small talk to them. Ok yes i'll admit it, i may have had a tiny panic attack right there and then but i quickly shook it off and followed the group who went inside a store called Zara?

"Ok this is our first stop, go find something for your partners and then we'll meet again here. If you don't find anything it's fine there's a ton more stores" Everyone agreed and I quickly walked to a section of the store where there were a lot of colorful clothes. I know Pansy hates color but personally I think she looks great in red so i looked around until I found a burgundy dress. It was made of some weird material but it looked good. I ended up not liking it because my best friend deserves better than just a dress so I walked around the store trying to find something until I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry- Oh hey Potter" I quickly realized who was in front of me, he fell on his butt when i bumped into him so I extended my arm and he gracefully took it.

"Watcha looking at Malfoy?" He asked looking through some long skirts that had weird patterns on them.

"I honestly don't know, I feel like my best friend deserves better clothes than this" He laughed which made me blush...wait what the fuck? blush? why did I blush? I shook it off as just the weather and before I knew it Potter was out of sight. After some time everyone was back and paid for the clothes. We went to a ton more different stores, I only bought jewelry because I knew there had to be something better for Pansy to wait so I awkwardly asked Granger for some other stores which she happily took me and others too. The store was called Gucci? that's a weird name? but anyway I went in and immediately knew this was something Pansy would like. A nice gentleman came up to me asking what i was looking for and I explained it was gift for my friend. I looked around the store carefully examining the clothes and their pattern until I looked at something perfect. It was a Fluid Drill suit, the color was dark green and it matched perfectly with Pansy. I quickly asked the man for the full piece except for the vest and he quickly took them and went to the cashier while i looked through shoes. I didn't even notice the person entering the store and coming over next to me.

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