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After a seemingly endless school day you were walking home with Marcus when he announced that he'll be by later as your parents were away for the weekend.

Fast forward to 9PM

You and Marcus are laying in your bed watching below deck mediterranean with your LEDs dimmed so you were surrounded by a soft purple glow.

Marcus was settled with his head on your chest and his arms around you. As the show progressed you were both getting tired and decided to go to sleep.

Halfway through the night you woke up to the bed shaking and Marcus' groaning as if he was in pain.

"Marcus... wake up... your ok" you said as you were shaking him and he snapped awake, breathing heavily his chest heaving.

"You broke up with me" and before you knew it his arms were around you and you were smushed against his chest. "I'm not leaving you" and you stroked the back of his head. "Promise?"

"I promise" after stoking his head for a while he calmed down and slept on your chest.

If you have any requests/ideas for future imagines comment or message them.

Marcus Baker from Ginny And Georgia imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now