(VALENTINE EVENT) Marth x Reader

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"Chocolate.. Chocolate...."

Ayaka was wandering around the super market with (Y/n), sure Ayaka loves her so much...

"(Y/n), are you going to make a valentine chocolate? I'll help you to!" "Really Ayaka? You finally noticed? Ufufu..." "Wha-- .... But hey, I'll help you!" "Alright, Alright.. Let's just find the chocolate and make some alright?" "Yeah!"

(Y/n) chuckled as Ayaka cheered and searched for chocolates.

"Uwah!" "Sorry miss-- (Y/n)?" "Ma--Marth?!"

(Y/n) bumped into Marth, yes it's very embarrassing to bump to this 'hero-king thing....' (Marth: ayaka... You really hate me do you....?)

But Marth didn't care about the people watching and instead he helped (Y/n) up.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Wa-Wait! Maybe somewhere hurt? I'll help you!" "N-N-No I'm fine Marth! You don't really have to worry that much!"

(Y/n) bowed to him a thank you and went looking for Ayaka. Marth stood there and sighed, went back to his own business.

"Ayaka! Don't ran off by your self!" "Sorry.. But hey, I found something good!"

She showed a chocolate that was on sale.

"Hm... Yeah sure, we'll use it."

~<few minutes later>~

"Alright we got all what we need, mixing bowl, chocolate, a hot water... (Y/n)! Were ready to start!" "I'm really looking forward to what I can make.. Huff, I can do this!"

(Y/n) grabbed the chocolate then she cut it into cubes.

Then she putted the chocolate into the small mixing bowl and putted it slowly (while holding it) in a big bowl full of hot water.

She mixed the small bowl which the chocolate was in there, and then it melted.


She putted the shape of a 'heart' to a thin, foil. And she poured the chocolate in the Shape.

"Doone!" "Whoa, (Y/n), you're pretty good at this!" "Thanks Ayaka! Now carefully..."

She held the tray that there's thin foil with shapes. And she putted it inside the freezer.

"Whew.. Now I have to wait 4 hours..?" "Yep. ... Hey, who are you going to give the chocolate to anyways?" ".... Do.. Do you really want to know..?"

(Y/n) started blushing a little and sighed.

"... I'm going to give it to Marth.. ...." "Wha-- .... I never thought of that.. .... I do hate Marth so... But... If you really like him that much, I'll cheer you to get him!"

Ayaka smiled and patted (Y/n)'s head.

"Well, I have to go to Luigi's 'mansion' now! Good luck~!" "I-uh... Sure!"

Ayaka went out of (Y/n)'s kitchen and went to Luigi's room.

"... Haah, well... I could get a little nap..."

(Y/n) jumped into her bed then she had drifted off to a sleep.

~<few hours later>~

"Fuwaaaah... ... Oh crap... It's 8:00 pm? .... That's great.... Wait, 8:00?! CHOCOLATE AND MARTH! OH NO!!"

(Y/n) woke up very quickly and combed her hair then took out the chocolate from the freezer then she wrapped it and putted it on the little box.

"Alright! Gotta go now!!"

She ran out of her room and headed to the garden.

"....... Huh?"

Marth noticed that (Y/n) was running towards him very fast.

"Maaaarrrth!!!" "WH-WHOAA!!"

"Aitatatata.... (Ow... (Yes, all of that goes into a one word: ow.))" "are you okay (Y/n)? .... Ah, what is this box..?"

Marth noticed the box she had dropped.


She opened it and sighed in relief.

"I'm glad... The chocolates are fine..." "'Chocolate'?" "Uwaah!! Um... Actually.. I... ... Happy Valentines Marth so... H-Here you go!!"

(Y/n) handed out a box of chocolates to Marth while blushing.

"..... Well then..."

Marth grabbed the box of chocolate and quickly held her wrists.

' daisuki dakara, boku kara hanarenaide... (I like you, so please don't go away from me...) '


Marth's valentine? Done! xD

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