Part... 20... pff... Ganon, (Y/n), bowser, and luigi being dared. ....

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Ganon: .....


Ayaka: same thing happened to me.. ... So the reason why I put this picture, because it was very hilarious.

Luigi: mamamia I don't want to bake with him..

Ayaka: .. Pff.. By the way, this dare was from Morisan ! Thank chu~!!

(Y/n) : *trying not to laugh* by the way.. Let's get started~!

Everyone: yeah!

~<a few settings later>~

Link: .... It's so cold..

(Y/n) : of course! I'm going to be get kidnapped, If they fail, I will go and save them!

Link: oh...

Marth: this is going to be fun.. Oh, hello everyone~ *waves at 'you'* ehehe, I'm going to be the narrator~!

Ike: count me in... Were going to be get kidnapped too so be prepared.

Marth: what--? Oh, okay.

Robin: alright. Since the settings are done, we can start now.

Ayaka: where's Shulk..?

Shulk: *runs* I'm here now! *sits to the chair* haaaah, I'm glad I ran all the way here...

Ganon: *takes (Y/n) away*

(Y/n) : ... Oh no. Someone. Someone. Save me. He's so scary.

Ayaka: alright. Now Luigi. Run.

Luigi: *runs*

Ayaka: ....... Okay Luigi now fall of the edge!

Luigi: *falls off the edge on purpose* MAMAMIAAAAH.

Bowser: *kidnaps Marth* oh crap I didn't got Ike, Robin and Monado boy...


(Y/n) : well, Marth has been kidnapped... Ganon. Send me outside so I can save Marth.

Ganon: *throws (Y/n) away*

Marth: oh. Somebody. Somebody. Help me.

(Y/n) : I have came in to save you prince!

Marth: .... Okay.

Ike: 'then Marth started to cry out (Y/n)'s name, begging to be saved. (Y/n) charged to ganon and beat him up.'

Robin: 'that didn't happen to (Y/n), Ganon threw her away from the castle once again.'

Shulk: '(Y/n) came in to the castle once again. Marth was there. Alone.'

(Y/n) : I will save you~.

Marth: watch out.

Ike: 'bowser got (Y/n) from behind. But she quickly dodged it and instead, she made Bowser flying out of the stage.'

Robin: 'she did the same to Ganon either. Ganon's last words were;

"DAMN YOU (Y/N)!!!!!"

Shulk: 'she saved the prince that has been kidnapped, and now. A happiness brings the world, or kingdom, of Atlea. ~fin~!'

Ayaka: this story was made by me!

Shulk: it was terrible.

Ganon: it was like a school play.

Bowser: (Y/n) actually hit me very serious.

Marth: that was stupid.

Robin: I can't say a word since I'm not even speechless.

Truth or Dare (with SSB characters that readers like! ~with me~)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora