Dark Places

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hi! little tw ig if u don't like sad/depressing stories pls don't read this chapter💗i wrote this when i was having a hard time so yeah haha

*Rivens POV/MIND*

I always felt in the dark. I've always felt alone, mentally. I was fine being by myself. Loneliness doesn't affect me much, yet darkness does. Not literal darkness again, mentally.

Like in my head. I see the light, it's her, my Musa. Every time I have her with me, the darkness can't get me.

Yet some how I let her slip through my fingers when I don't mean it. As soon as it happens, the darkness pulls me back in. I always get pulled back in. It's like something is pulling me back.

The voice. God damn. Fuck that voice. It's not anyone else's though. I started to think it was my own voice. Although it was pitched differently and a bit deep, it sounded like me. I was pulling myself back in.

Why? I don't know myself. I always remind myself that nothing will get in the way of my light and me. Yet something does, and it's me.

It's myself telling me I'm broken, and when I say I'm not the other part disagrees. When that happens, I feel so hopeless. Why should I even try to grab the light if I keep letting her slip?

There's no point in trying, is what I think after letting her go many times. I get back up on my feet from the cold floor. I need to change. I need to get help. I cant keep hurting the one person who makes me feel my best.

So I let her go. Not for long though. I will be back for my light. Once I do, I will be a changed man. Someone who would never hurt her ever again. Not like before. I will reach the light, and escape this darkness that's been holding me hostage. I will escape and never leave my light ever again.

yeah idk what's up with me lately but here u go💗i might do musa's pov thank u for getting this to #2 on rivusa ily💗

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