Suddenly the three vanished. They ran through the island to find other people but no one was there. When they returned to the place where the tree was, stood Kairi on the bridge.

Riku: Kairi... Hey, Kairi. Are you- No!

Kairi then vanished too and Zexion appeared behind them.

Zexion: Surely you knew this would happen.

Ignis: Explain yourself.

Zexion: You've been a number of worlds in your memory before this one. And in those worlds, you met only dark beings. That's all that's left in your heart: dark memories. Your memories are gone-each and every one.

Riku: That's a lie! I remember everyone from the islands! Tidus and Selphie and Wakka! Kairi and Sora and Byleth, too! They're... my... my... my closest friends...

Zexion: And who threw away those friends? Maybe it's your own actions that you've forgotten. You destroyed your home!

He made a wave with his hand and the surroundings changed. It changed into the night where everything changed. They stood now on the piece of rock where Sora was.

Ignis: What happened there?

Riku: This is... that night!

Zexion: All of the islands you grew up on were surrounded, scattered up. Many hearts were forever lost to the darkness. Because of what you DID!

He pointed to the side where another Riku appeared and watched the destruction.

Zexion: You hated being a islander, so you opened the door to darkness and destroyed the islands. It was YOU! You were pulled into the darkness then, and now you belong to the darkness.

Riku backed away and held his chest in fear.

Ignis: That's enough!

Zexion: And you, Ignis. You left your friends and you weren't even there when the youngest one needed you the most. Your own weakness made you lose the keyblade of yours and your brother figure. Tell me. Could you face them after what you've become? 

Ignis: *takes out his Wayfinder and looks at it in shame* I...

Zexion: You should look- look at what you truly are!

The Riku-imagine was surrounded in darkness and sunk into the ground and a large Darkside appeared. They defeated it with not much effort. Riku looked exhausted and Ignis gave him an aether potion which Riku took and drank. He looked around and saw a familiar person at the edge of the island.

Riku: Sora!? Sora!

Riku ran to Sora and Ignis wanted to follow him, but stopped when he felt a presence from someone else. He looked down and saw on another part of the island a familiar blue haired woman. Ignis' eyes widened and jumped from island to island until he reached the part of land. He couldn't believe who the person was he saw right before him when she turned to him.

Ignis: Aqua?

Riku has already reached Sora.

Riku: Sora, it's me-

Sora suddenly swinged his keyblade at Riku, who jumped back just in time before the keyblade could hit him.

Riku: What!?

Sora ran forward and attacked Riku who managed to summon his Soul Eater and blocked the attack. He couldn't believe what that Sora raised his weapon against him.

Riku: Stop it, Sora! Don't you recognize me?

Sora: Yeah, I recognize you. I can see exactly what you've become!

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