The road to dawn

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Riku and Ignis left Destiny Islands and moved forward. In Riku's head, he heard a familiar voice.

Ansem: Riku... Riku...

Riku: *stops* Who's there!? *Ignis stops too and looks at him confused*

Ansem: I know you can feel it... The grip I have on your heart.

Riku touched his chest and Ignis walked back to him.

Ignis: Are you alright?

Ansem: You have let in the darkness, Riku. That means very soon your heart shall become an all-consuming darkness.

Riku: I'm not like that now!

Ignis: What are you talking about? What's wrong?

Ansem: Yes, you are.

Suddenly, Riku's body frozed and stretched his arms out.

Riku: Can't move!

Ignis: Hang on!

He summoned his keyblade and wanted to free Riku, but had to jump back when dark aura poured out from Riku's body and some it flew to Ignis' direction as if it wanted to keep him away from Riku.

Ansem: The deeper the darkness runs inside you, the stronger I become. Controlling you is effortless.

Ignis was thinking how he could help Riku and thought of using his twilight powers, but then a ball of light appeared from the nowhere and entered Riku's body.

Ansem: Must you interfere again!?

His presence vanished and Riku was free fromthe binding and before he fell on the ground, Ignis grabbed his arm and held him upright.

Ignis: What was that just now? Ansem again?

Riku: *pants* Yeah... but that light...

From behind, they heard a new voice. The tiny mouse king Mickey Mouse.

Mickey: Phew! Sure glad I made it in time! That oughta keep Ansem busy for a while. *walks to the two* Sorry, I couldn't come here sooner, Riku. I'm glad that Ignis is with you.

Ignis: King Mickey?

Riku: Your majesty, is it you?

Mickey: Uh-hu. *Riku grabs his face* Whoa! That tickles!

Riku: *lets go of Mickey* This time, you're not an illusion. I'm so glad that you could make it here.

Mickey: I made a promise to you that I would find a way, didn't I? Buh.

Riku landed on his butt and Ignis just shrugged a bit.

Riku: Ahh... I'm okay. Don't worry. Guess I'm just relieved. Before Ignis accompanied me, I've been so alone. Having more people around is... is a little... overwhelming. But.. uh, how did oyu make it here? I thought it was too far.

Mickey: I found a card to help me. *pulls out a card* I needed a way outta the realm of darkness, and then suddenly, this card appeared right in front of me. When I picked it up, I could see your heart beyond the darkness. That's what let me find you. *hands the card to Riku* I guess the card thought its place was to be with you.

Riku: *takes the card* Maybe you're right.

Mickey: *looks at Ignis* And I must thank you that you stayed by Riku's side the whole time. BUt where is your weapon?

Ignis: Got destroyed in the battle, but don't worry. *summons Sun Meteor* I'm finally complete again.

Mickey: *his eyes widen* You got your keyblade back? *smiles* That's great. Will you continue traveling with Riku?

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