Tanjiro Pov

He then left the room and took all the empty bowls away. As The Pillar left the room everybody started to resume what they were talking about.

"Why is he being so kind if he's the person that murdered them? Do you think he feels remorseful?"

"I highly doubt that Zenitsu, after all he has tried to kill other Pillars on various other occasions."

"Wait what? The only person I know who has done anything like that was him." He pointed towards Inosuke trying to not let him find out he was talking about him.

"It's forbidden to be shared but you are all strong enough to pass Gyomei's training so I think we can trust you with this, but if you ever talk anybody about this you will be executed." He said it extremely casually even if he was talking about something that dark. Even if Sabito had a goofy personality he was still dead serious and people that didn't follow by what he said would be prosecuted.

"Everybody we should all go to sleep now as we all will need rest for tomorrow if it's going to keep up like this." The group didn't like the idea of being forced to go to bed but they all knew it was for the best.

One by one the slayers left the dojo back into the main part of the house and in to their respective bedrooms except Tanjiro, Inosuke and Muichiro. They were all still there just chatting and enjoying the rest of their day eventually they had to go to bed and after almost a whole hour of chatting they went to go to bed. Tanjiro was forced to wake up Inosuke who was snoring on the floor and spread out like a starfish at first he was annoyed that he was woken up considering it was completely different to how it was up in the mountains but he eventually returned to his normal state. As they all started to finally leave The marked boy remembered something.

"Hey do you remember about the extra training that I asked you both about?"

"Oh yeah that sounded really fun when is it?" The Mist Pillar asked his friend.

"Oh yeah that sounded really fun when is it?" The Mist Pillar asked his friend

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"I'm not really sure should we go and ask?"

"The guy seems really fishy I don't trust him be careful Monjiro even if he acts friendly."

"Wait are you not doing it anymore Inosuke?"

"Im still doing it I need to get stronger! I need to beat a Pillar in a fight."

Muichiro just stood there awkwardly before starting another conversation between the three of them. "What do you think he is actually going to teach us? He hasn't taught us much so far."

"I have no clue but I think he will teach us a lot more tomorrow."

They were just wondering around the house until they would hopefully find him but they had no luck, they had circled around every nook and cranny to find him but they were failing.

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