Chapter two

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      A shrilling scream echoed in the distance. She got closer to the noise. Hovering over the edge of the building, she looked down to see a dimly lit alleyway. A large man pushing a small woman against the brick of the building. The woman struggled to get out of his grasp as he restrained her in a tight grasp, not showing signs of letting her go. At the sight of this Clove tightened her fists, letting out a small shudder.. She jumped down from the roof and landed stealthily behind the man. Quickly grabbing his shoulder blade she hit him in a pressure point and whipped him around to face her. He grunted out of pain and pulled out a small handgun from the back of his pants pointing it at Clove. Lucky her quick reflexes saved her because without hesitating she swiftly kicked the gun out of his hand and punched him powerfully in the nose. The man stumbled backwards holding his face. Clove jumped on the man wrapping her legs around his neck and flipping him the ground at ease causing him to lay unconscious as he hit the hard ground. Clove got up and brushed herself off as she walked over to the woman., but before she could even speak, "OH MY GOD YOU'RE PLAYER" the woman squealed.
"That I am" Clove responded, "are you okay?"
"Yeah thank you so much, how could I ever repay you" the woman asked desperately.
Clove let out a low chuckle looking down. "You don't need to repay me, just please stay safe and don't go walking around this late at night." But before the women could respond they heard low whispering coming from the other side of the alley slowly getting closer.

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