"Urm yeah. I'm going out of town for a little bit. Just to clear my head. You know?" She smiles at him.

"Where?" His smile drops and he takes a step back from her. Her hand falls.

"Chicago" she answers, Peep's face drops "it's just gonna be for a few weeks. I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do now. I'll be home soon darling. I promise" Nick steps a forward to Peep but he takes another step back.

"No you promised" he speaks sharply.


"No you promised me you would disappear again like you did before. You promised" he looks at her with anger in his eyes mixed with sadness. "No Nick. Please don't go"

"Oh babyboy" she pushes the hair out of his eyes once more "I'm not disappearing. You can still call me and we will text everyday. It's only Chicago baby and I'll be back before you know it. You won't even notice I'm gone" she kisses his cheek before walking back into the house to have the same conversation with the boys.

"Oh but I will" Peep whispers softly to himself as he watches her leave.

3 days later

"Hey boys" Nick opens the door wearing nothing but joggers, CK bra and an oversized check shirt. The boys come piling into her house. "You alright?"

"Yeah we are good" Charlie pulls her into a hug. "We are gonna miss you bubs" he laughs sitting in the couch.

"Aww sweetie. I'm only gonna be gone three weeks. Y'all ain't even know I'm gone" she laughs at them pulling a duffel bag full of Maggies toys and food. "Guys I'm gonna be fine. I'm staying with a friend, I've got my car. I'm sure y'all will blow the group hat every damn day" they all laugh as the boys load her suitcases up as Maggie lays down in the backseat.

"Right you call us at every stop and soon as you get to Chicago. Promise?" Peep has finally forgiven her and pulls her in for a hug.

"Guys I promise ok? I need to get on the road. I love you all now leave" she laughs as they all exit the property. "You ready Mags?" She looks in the centre Mirror as Maggie sleeps peacefully on the backseat.

Before pulling out of the driveway, Nick pulls out her phone looking at the lock screen. Tom smiling on the beach. She can't bring herself to change it.

Ring ** Ring ** Ring  ** Ring **

"Hey you've reached of Tom.  I'm out living my best life with my best friend. Leave a message after the tone and I'll call you back" she reaches his voicemail.

"Hey it Nick. Urm I'm going out of town for a few weeks so you don't have to hide anymore. I would really like to talk when I'm back. It's not what it seems. Nothing happened. We fell asleep on top of the covers fully dressed. Please call me back. I love you" Nick hangs up the call and pulls out the driveway. Heading to Chicago.

The drive takes a little over two days, pulling over every few hours for Maggie and stopping in a hotel in Denver for the night. She reaches Chicago by the following evening, reaching her friends house she looks under the bin where they've taped the spare key. Nick let's herself in, allowing Maggie to running around for the first time in 2 days. She takes her suitcases up to the spare bedroom, sitting down on the bed Nick looks around the new bedroom. This is what she needs a change in scenery, new air. After having been sat for several hours driving. Nick is excited to get out so she decides to visit her friend at work. 

Unsuspecting Love // Tom FeltonWhere stories live. Discover now