chapter 14

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"Are you sure this will even work?" Jack manifold asked. 

Tommy nodded. He was still unsure,  yet hopeful. As soon as he had woken up, Tommy had run right to bad, explaining everything.  

   Bad had slowed him down, getting the full story from him. 

And now the sun was setting. They had spent all day doing normal tasks, so both of them could sleep. 


   Now he and bad had smeared melted down concrete into a circle. 

"The ritual will link our minds together, so we can both enter the plane those two are trapped in." 

 Tommy helped him, carefully dripping it over the spot the two had selected. The two then made a pentagram in the middle, and lined torches on the edges. 

"Okay, now we put out here here and here-" bad said, gesturing to two spots in the circle. "And drink this."  Bad handed Tommy a silver potion, one he had never seen before. 

Tommy quickly put the beds down, and took the potion from bad. He trusted him enough now. Trusted he would be alright. Tommy sat on the bed, chugging the whole thing. And the world started fading. It was so entrancing. He felt….heavy.  

    He felt hands guide him downwards. Everything dimmed until completely black. 

In a flash of color, he was back in the dream world. Tommy felt his head spin, and hands steadied him. He looked to see it was bad, yet he was...white. all white, like egg shell white. His eyes were blue, with black patches coloring his skin. 



"I'm white aren't I?" 

Tommy nodded, not knowing what to say. 

Bad subconsciously rubbed the back of his neck. 

"This is my dream state. I turn into this when I dream. Everyone has one." 

"Oh cool!" 

The two headed into the town, in a rush. They passed Fundy and Niki,  the two looking concerned as they passed. 

  They were met by George. He walked with them, 

"You made it." 

He sped walked with them, picking up the pace. They quickly made it to the house skeppy was in. Tubbo opened the door, and the two hurried inside. George stopping to talk with tubbo. 

  They walked through the door upstairs quacity jerking up from where he was sleeping. 

"Geppy!" Bad gasped. 

His skin was turning a black color, like Bads skin when they were awake. 

 The demon quickly getting to work,pulling out a light blue paste from out of no where. 

Bad started muttering in galactic. The room started glowing. 

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He felt as everything turned slow, as his life faded around him. 

ꖎᒷℸ ̣  ⍑╎ᓭ ᓭ𝙹⚍ꖎ ∷ᒷᓭℸ ̣  ᔑᓭ ╎ℸ ̣  ⍑ᒷᔑꖎᓭ. ⊣𝙹↸ᓭ 𝙹⎓ 𝙹ꖎ↸ ᔑリ↸ リᒷ∴ ꖎᒷℸ ̣  ⍑╎ᒲ ʖᒷ ⎓∷ᒷᒷ ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᒷリ↸ᓭ ⍑𝙹ꖎ↸

His reverted back. Skeppy was turning back. It was working. And in a flash everything turned blue. 

Back to the real world. 


Tommy woke up and rushed over to skeppy, bad already there. He relaxed and slowed a bit. 


Bad was crying. Tommy went over to skeppy and put two fingers to his neck. 

There wasn't a pulse.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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