"Sorry I'm late sir, it ran a bit long," she says with a bright smile.

"Come in take a seat, you didn't miss anything," he says as he motions towards the back of the class where a desk was brought in for her.

She peeks around to spot her seat before giving Aizawa a toothy smile. She takes a dramatic step into the classroom, kicking her leg higher than needed before spinning around to close the door. She then spins round again, stands still for a second before taking another dramatic step that turned into a normal walk as she made her way to her desk. She knew everyone was watching her so she decided to give them a show.

When she was finally seated Aizawa starts back up again, "Now, to get to what I actually have to say, today you'll be..."

Midoriya shifted in his seat, Aizawa's word turning into white noise as he turns to study the new girl.

She is wearing the UA uniform, obviously, but the skirt seems too big, like she had to bring it in at the waist making it sit unevenly around her hips. She is wearing the knee high socks with the same black boots she wears for her costume leaving just a few centimetres of the socks sticking out above them. She is wearing the school blazer with her neck tie and her hair looks like she hasn't touched it since yesterday. The thing that catches Midoriya's eye however is a black choker around her neck that's about two centimetres thick.

She was wearing that last night too, come to think of it.


Midoriya starts and turns to see Aizawa glaring at him.

"You were staring," he says in a cold tone making Midoriya straighten up and cup his mouth.

Was I mumbling again?

"Don't worry," Aizawa answers the question written across his face, "you weren't mumbling, but I suggest you start paying attention before you do."

Midoriya tenses up and nods as his face turns a bright red. The class collectively bight down on their tongues to stop from laughing as Aizawa continues.

Midoriya turns back to glance at 7, a smirk on her face. They make eye contact for a brief moment when Midoriya sees her eyes flicker, almost like a light being turned off and then on again.

What was that?

* * *

The lunch bell rings and Midoriya lets out a sigh of relieve, grateful for the break from class.

"So Midoriya," Midoriya starts and turns to see Kaminari standing by his desk, Mineta right next to him, "you've got a thing for the new girl?"

A smirk appears on Kaminari's face as Midoriya blushes a bright red.

"N-n-n-no," he answers his eyes darting left and right.

"Come on man admit it," Mineta adds in a mischievous tone, "you were checking her out!"

"What! No! I, I was ju-"

"I don't believe staring is something you do to communicate that you are attracted to someone," Todoroki adds as he walks up to join the conversation.

"No, it's a thing," Mineta says proudly, "you stare at each her until she approaches you. It's a seduction technique they use in Europe, I know all about it."

"Ha, the only thing this nerd was doing was staring," Bakugo chirped in with a grin, "he can't seduce anyone even if he tried."

Midoriya tries to bury himself in his arms when they hear someone behind them leave their seat. They all freeze and stare as 7 gets up, walks right past Midoriya's desk and promptly stops just as she passes Bakugo's desk.

They all stare at her in silence. Mineta and Kaminari hold their breaths as Midoriya buries his head deeper into his arms. Bakugo looks at her with a smirk. She tenses up her shoulders before relaxing them again then places her hands on her hips.

"I don't know if it was a seduction technique," she looks over her solder with a bright smile, "but I didn't mind the staring."

Her words hit the boys like a rock as she makes a small huff noise, pleased at their reactions and skips out of the classroom.

Their eyes follow her and take a second to stare at the door they come back to their senses and leave to go get their lunch. Midoriya lifts his head, blinking as he tries to collect his thoughts.


* * *

"So, how's the new girl," Shinso asks as they settle down for lunch.

Midoriya tenses up as Iida is the first to answer, "She has no sense of punctuality!"

"She seems very capable," Todoroki adds as he digs into his soba.

"I don't know," Uraraka says tilting her head, "I can't really get a read on her."

Shinso nods and turns to Midoriya, "What do you think?"

Midoriya bolts upright turning his head robotically towards Shinso a tense smile on his face as he forces out his reply, "Jip, very strange. Unpredictable too."

Shinso and Uraraka look at him confused.

"What happened between you two," Shinso asks.

"Flirting I believe," Todoroki answers out of the blue.

"What!?" they collectively scream.

Midoriya's face goes red as he tries to explain, "N-n-n-no, you see I-"

"He was staring at her in class and she said she didn't mind it," Todoroki cut Midoriya off.

Shinso and Uraraka stared a Midoriya trying to process what they just heard. Shinso couldn't believe Midoriya actually flirted with a girl while Uraraka didn't want to believe it.

"No, see, I was staring at her and then-"

"Midoriya it is rude to stare at people," Iida interrupted him, making mechanical movements with his arm, "and she has to know, it is not ok for people to stare. I will have to confront her about this later on."

Midoriya gives up, on trying to explain what happened and lets his head fall onto the table as he starts mumbling to himself.

Shinso examines the table: Midoriya, looking half dead and mumbling up a storm. Iida, practicing the lecture he's going to be giving the new girl. Uraraka, staring at her food with classed over eyes trying to process the information. Finally Todoroki, peacefully eating his soba staring into space as if nothing happened.

"Some new girl," he thinks to himself with a smirk as he digs into his lunch. 


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