"the student only speaks when spoken to." johnny instructed, "is that understood."


"yeah." gioia nodded.

johnny gave the two a look, telling them to go on.

"yeah, mr lawrence." gioia corrected herself.

"yes, sir." miguel added.

johnny shook his head, "always address me as 'sensei'. is that understood?"

"yes, sensei." the two spoke in sync.

"these aren't pyjamas, this is a gi." he explained, "and you'll get one when you've earned it. ready to begin your training?"

"yeah, sensei." miguel nodded. before he knew it, johnny put his hands under his arms and threw him to the ground, "what the-"

the man then crouched down and swiped gioia's feet forward, making her fall right next to the tanned boy with a groan.

"oh, wow." she hissed in agony.

"lesson one: strike first." johnny told them, "never wait for the enemy to attack."

"i didn't think you were the enemy." gioia voiced as she pushed herself up.

"you could have given me... like a warning." miguel defended himself.

"quiet!" he screamed, "you do not train to be merciful here. mercy is for the weak." johnny began circling around the pair.

miguel reached into his pocket and pulled out his asthma pump, he took the cap off and inhaled a puff.

"here on the street, in competition a man confronts you - he is the enemy." johnny continued as miguel took another hit, "and the enemy deserves no mercy. what is the problem, mr diaz?"

as migeul attempted to catch his breath, gioia tried to hide her smile, "there's no problem, sensei. you punched me, and i have asthma, so-"

he was cut off by johnny seizing the inhaler from his hands and tossing it against the wall, "not anymore."

"oh my." gioia looked at him a glint of concern in her eyes.

"we do not allow weakness in this dojo." johnny stated, "so, you can leave your asthma and your peanut allergies and all that other made-up bullshit outside. understood?"

"yes... but those are real medical problems and i was-" miguel began talking but stopped once he saw johnny's solemn face, "yes, sensei - understood."

johnny moved in front of gioia, "now, miss barbra-"

"it is barbusca." she quickly corrected him.

"not here it isn't." he shook his head, "now, miss barbra. any 'allergies' i have to worry about?" johnny asked, putting quotations gestures at the word.

"well... i am allergic to seafood but-"

"well, if you ever see me bringing a whole bucket of sushi in here, make sure to run and hide," he advised her.

✓  VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें