Chapter 1

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It's funny how so much can change as the years pass. We made more friends and became closer. I couldn't believe that in a few days my brother would be marrying Lady Lunafreya.

"The decreed hour is come set forth with my blessing, Prince Noctis." Father said softly.

"Thank you... Your Majesty." Noctis said with a bow of his head.

"Take your leave, and go in the grace of the gods."

"Right." Noctis said as he turned and walked away.

The boys looked up shocked and quickly bowed their heads before following behind Noct.

"Well, princes will be princes." Gladio said calmly.

"So much for royal protocol." Ignis said with a sigh.

"Not like you had to deliver a formal address..." Gladio said with a frown.

"Your Highness!" A voice called.

"What now?" Noct asked as he turned around.

We all turned and I frowned as I saw my father walking towards us.

"I fear I have left too much unsaid. You place a great burden on those who would bear with you." Dad said calmly.

"You're one to talk." Noct said calmly.

"I ask not that you guide my wayward son, merely that you remain at his side." He said as he looked at the boys.

"Indeed, Your Grace." Ignis said softly.

"We'll see the prince to Altissia if it's the last thing we see." Gladio said softly.

"Yeah, what he said." Prompto said calmly.

"I don't really have much choice. Someone has to watch out for this idiot." I said with a laugh.

"Hate to break this up, but Cor's got the motor running. Drautos, he's in your hands." Noct said calmly.

"And another thing. Do mind your manners around your charming bride-to-be."

"Your Majesty, as well. Try to mind yours around our esteemed guests from Niflheim." Noct said as I held back a laugh.

"You have no cause for concern."

"Nor do you."

"Take heed. Once you set forth, you cannot turn back."

"You think I would?"

"I need only know that you are ready to leave home behind." Dad said softly.

"Don't know about you, but I'm ready as I'll ever be. "

"Take care on the long road. Wheresoever you should go, the line of Lucis goes with you. Walk tall, my son." Dad said with a nod of his head.

"Good bye father." I said as I turned and followed the boys to the car.

"And he doesn't even say goodbye to Mari." Prompto said calmly.

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