Chapter 3

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I began to rapidly scrummage through my trunk of clothes for something to wear.

"I honestly think that you'd look good with everything you wear," Hermione told me her eyes glued down to a red hardcover book. A small smile grew on my face.

"Thank you, but still I have to look good."

"Why are you all worried? It's just Ron and Harry," Hermione stated with a confused expression.

"True," I said, trying not to make it so obvious that I wanted to impress them. She swiftly looked up from her red hardcover book and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked her looking down.

"You would look incredibly good in red" She asserted with a grin. My eyes widened.

"It's not what you think,"

"Your face expression said it all" She stated.

"Shut up," I remarked with a grin that had formed on my face. It's not that I have feelings for any of them. I just want to impress them so maybe we can all just be friends. I've always been worried for them when they get into trouble. Maybe by being friends I can help in some way. I began to look through my trunk of clothes again and found a red sweater and some jeans." Is this good?" I questioned Hermione holding it up for her to see.

"Wonderful," She replied not even looking up from her book.

"Good enough for me," I stated closing the trunk. "Could you um-," I awkwardly said.

"Oh um yeah sorry I forgot," Hermione stated as she turned around with her book.

After rapidly changing I grabbed a coat since it was kind of cold with the autumn breeze.

"Bye Mione!" I yelled as I ran out the door faster than she could reply. I swiftly went down the stairs skipping some steps yet careful not to fall. Once I got downstairs I saw a familiar redhead sitting on the couch. I rapidly went up to him to greet him.

"Hi, Ron," I said. He looked up from the floor and made eye contact with me. Then he looked down at my feet a cheesy smile forming on his face. I shot him a confused expression. Did he have a foot fetish or something?

"Did you um forget something?" He questioned me still smiling. This caused me to react awfully fast and look down only to find myself in my light gray socks. I had forgotten to put on my small brown boots. I turned a light shade of pink. This made him laugh a little. I hurried upstairs to the girl's dormitories. When I opened the door I found a smiling Hermione holding up my brown boots.

"Someone was obviously in a rush," She stated.

"Very funny," I said sarcastically. She let out a smile and handed me the boots which I quickly slipped on.

"Have fun and try not to forget your boots this time," I gave her a smile and an eyebrow raise as I ran out again. Once again I was in the common room, but this time it was empty except Ron was still sitting there. I went back to join him. He looked up at me and began to get up from his comfortable spot on the couch.

"Fred and George insisted on going ahead with Harry, so I told them I would wait for you,"

"Thank you," I stated with a small smile.

"We should probably get going," He said, already heading to the portrait hole. I followed and we exited the common room.

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