Chapter 1

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I quickly regained my train of thoughts as I stood at the crowded platform 9¾. I looked around to see all my classmates. Some changed and some remained the same. Then my eyes were quickly fixed upon a platinum blonde. His porcelain skin glowing brighter with the lighting. Could it be? Is that Malfoy? His hair had been slicked back for two years. This time it laid down on his head neatly. But no matter how hard he tries to change his appearance he's always going to be the Draco Malfoy that believes in pureblood supremacy. I slowly turned around and as I did this I saw my favorite pair of twins running towards me at full speed, pushing past the crowd of people. A smile quickly grew upon my face. The twins had grown their hair out so it looked long and shaggy. Honestly, it looked really good. George and Fred made my stay at Hogwarts less miserable.

"George! Fred!" I yelled pushing past the crowd. I ran a bit too fast because when I hugged them I crashed into them so hard we ended up falling on the ground.

"Look Freddie she missed us," George said to Fred as we still laid on the ground.

"I mean who wouldn't miss us," Fred answered with a playful little smile.

"Oh shut up," I said nudging Fred. Fred smirked and then began to get up along with George.

They held out their hands and forcefully swung me up on my feet. Soon enough the Hogwarts Express arrived. It looked polished and it never failed to amaze me with its size and beauty. I have to say the train ride to Hogwarts is one of my favorite parts about going to Hogwarts. I went on the train with George and Fred following behind me. They quickly found an empty compartment on the train. I was in front of them so they quickly pushed me into the compartment and then slid the door shut. I rolled my eyes and didn't panic since they did this every year. Since the first year. The first time they did this I was completely petrified. I began to bang on the sliding door like I was getting stabbed. They were in second year and little first-year me couldn't believe that second years could be so cruel. They were joking of course but I didn't know that until they came to open the door and ended up buying me some chocolate frogs with the galleons they had in their pockets after seeing me covered in tears. From that day on we were inseparable. I was in my third year now and they were in fourth. I sat there and waited for the two redheads to come back. Soon enough they returned with chocolate frogs just like our first year.

"Oi how come you don't cry anymore?" Fred questioned me with a huge grin.

"Yeah Mariah, how come?" George said grinning right at Fred.

"Haha very funny," I said sarcastically.

"I mean we carried the tradition of the chocolate frogs," George remarked, still trying to open up his chocolate frog.

"Yeah, Georgie's right. It's like we're putting all the effort into this friendship," Fred said smiling, still trying to annoy me. I put my head down to cover up my smile. Then I saw George still struggling with his chocolate frog. So took George's chocolate frog and quickly opened it for him.

"Showoff," George said as I handed it back to him.

"Maybe a little," I responded. Soon enough I realized how little I slept. My eyes were beginning to close because I had been so excited to see the twins again I hardly slept. Before I could stop myself I rested my head against the icy cold window and closed my eyes within a second.


"Wake up," George loudly whispered into my ear. My eyes began to flutter open."Thank you for making my shoulder sore. I appreciate it," George said smiling. My neck was sore and it felt as if someone pressed down on it for hours. I slowly lifted up my head to see that we had come to a sudden stop.

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