I opened the front door to see Owen and Gwen talking at the kitchen table. They looked deep into their conversation so I did my best to walk past them in order to get to the stairwell and to my room.
"Rachel. Okay since you're here there is something we really need to tell you" Owen said so I agreed. "I'm going to grab my duffel bag first but we can talk once I come back down" I said and I made my way up the stairs and into my room where I quickly grabbed my duffel bag and made my way back into the dining room. "Okay what's up?" I asked. "I'm pregnant!" Gwen said with a huge smile across her face. "What! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!" I said hugging Gwen. "Now I've really go to head out. See you at work tomorrow captain" I said before running out of the house and jumping in beside Nancy. I didn't mention the pregnancy to her in case Gwen didn't want anyone to know.

Time skip

"So what do you want for supper?" I asked Nancy as I looked at what she had in her fridge. "Lasagna?" Nancy suggested which I agreed to. I looked through all the cupboards as well as the fridge and freezer in order to find the things I needed to make a lasagna.
After a total time of two hours the lasagna was ready. I quickly set the table for the both of us and placed the pan I did the lasagna on two hot-pads positioned in the centre of the table. "Nancy" I called out. "Coming" Nancy replied. "Rachel I could have set the table for you. you didn't have to do everyting" Nancy said but I just shook my head "you invited me over so I wanted to do at least this for you" I said as we sat down. The lasagna turned out perfect and I couldn't have asked for a better night.

Time skip

It was about 10:30 at night and Nancy and I had decided to finaly head to bed since we both have work tomorow. I got changed into a black button-up cropped tank top and a pair of green flanel pants while Nancy changed into a pair of grey sleep shorts and an oversized black T-shirt. We bothjumped into Nancy's bed and I slept a dreamless night.

I woke up around 4:30 like usual and got dressed into a pair of jeans and my station shirt. I pulled my hair back into the low bun I kept it in for work and made my way to the kitchen.  I grabbed the carton of eggs and a package of bacon and made us some breakfast. I plated the plates out in the kitchen and carried them into the dining room, setting them in the same sopts where we sat the night before durring dinner.
I was in the process of making Nancy and I coffee to go when she came out of her room fully dressed. "Rachel?" she asked "Kitchen" I replied "did you make breakfast for us?" she asked standing at the table. "yes ma'am and here's your coffee" I said handing Nancy her travle mug. "Now eat. We've got a long day ahead of us" I finished sitting down, Nancy doing the same. " bro! This is so good!" Nancy said after taking a bite of her food "why thank you. I'm glad you like it" I said

We finished eating around five o'clock and decided to make our way to the station house. I grabbed my phone and saw TK had texted me asking if I could drive him to and from work today so I quickly replied saying that I would and hopped in my truck. The drive to the Strands place wasn't too long and before I knew it I arrived. Captain's truck as well as Gwens car were still in the driveway so I guessed TK may not be having the easiest home getting out of the house. I honked my trucks horn twice and waited a bit before honking again. Shortly after the fourth honk TK came out of the house. "Thanks" he said as he hopped in the passenger seat. "Yeah of course" I replied. "Oh um I asked dad last night and he said he was ok with it if you wanted to but I was wondering if you would want to help Judd train me this morning." TK said "you know what. Sure." I replied. "Oh also Gwen told me last night" I added and I saw him relax a bit from the corner of my eye. "Ok so I can at least talk with you about it" he said and I nodded.

Time skip.
(Helping Judd with TK's fire specialist certification)

"Rachel can you set these up in a straight line to begin with trucks width apart?" Judd asked as he handed me a stack of pylons. I did as he asked and then moved off to the side

Judd's Pov.

"Alright did you do your walk around?" I asked TK as I hopped in the passenger seat. "All compartment doors are Secure and all six tires are at 100 psi" he responded. "All right then you know what to do skipper" I said as he said the steps aloud while attempting to turn the truck on. " so ignition switch and start button" he said forgetting the battery switch. When the truck didn't start TK though it was broken so I reminded him to think about what he forgot to do. " battery switch" TK said looking at me for clarification. I nodded and we started over. Again he said the steps aloud. "Battery switch, ignition switch, and start button." This time the truck roared to life. "Ok so what's next?" I asked him "well oil pressure is all good so here we go" TK replied but he forgot one key thing in order to have the truck run smoothly now all it was going to do was go forward a few feet before stopping again. " dammit!" TK exclaimed " it's OK just think, what did you forget" I said "the point of any of this" TK replied " well the point is that you begged me to help you get your fire specialist certification and you dragged Rachel out here to. You recall" I said. "Yeah. I'm sorry Judd. I got some news yesterday. I'm just a little shook" TK said and I face immediately dropped "bad news?" I asked " news. Rachel is taking it much better though I think" TK said and I looked over at Rachel who had both her hands in her pant pockets and didn't seemed to be bothered by anything. "Common then let's take a break for a bit and then come back to this" I said getting out off the truck as TK turned it off and hoped out as well.

TK's Pov.
" dammit!" I exclaimed after failing to properly start the fire truck" it's OK just think, what did you forget" Judd said "the point of any of this" I replied " well the point is that you begged me to help you get your fire specialist certification and you dragged Rachel out here to. You recall" Judd said. "Yeah. I'm sorry Judd. I got some news yesterday. I'm just a little shook" I said and his face immediately dropped "bad news?" he asked " news. Rachel is taking it much better though I think" I said and I saw Judd look over at Rachel who had both her hands in her pant pockets and didn't seemed to be bothered by anything. "Common then let's take a break for a bit and then come back to this" he said getting out off the truck as I turned it off and hopped out as well.

Judd slug his arm over Rachel's shoulder and the three of us made our way over to the small sodden bleachers on the other side of the fence and I retold the events of the day before.
"Ooo. So your pops has got some powerful stuff" Judd said causing Rachel to fight against a laugh that was just begging to come out. "Really. That's your take away?" I asked "Nah I'm just saying it's impressive." Judd said before Rachel piped up "It also goes to show you should alwayse use bitrth control because wether you think you can or you can't, you can" she siad. "well acording to them they were" I added "Ooo, thats what i'm saying it's powerfull stuff" Judd said "Ugh alright" I said wanting that spefic topic to ber over with. "He know's how you fell though TK" Rachel said bringing my attention ofer to her. "what do you mean?" I asked "I mean, your whole life it's just been you. You were the first born which means you were the baby. You're alwayse gonna be the first born, but you don't get to be the baby no more" Judd said. "so what? are you saying I should feel threatened? because if so thats rediculous" I asked "No it's biblical. you got Cain and Abel, the prodical son's less famous older brother and then they were about your our age when Joseph came along and they chucked him down a well" Rachel said siding with Judd. "I'm not chucking anyone down a well" I said "We're just saying it's natural to resent the baby. Trust me I got three brothers, you think it was peace in the vally every time another Ryder boy came along" Judd replied. " how did you deal with it?" I asked and from the corner of my eye I could see Rachel holding back a laugh "I didn't have to cuz I was the baby" Judd said causing me to grone in slight annoyance. "Okay lets get back to work. TK" Judd said and the three of us stood up " Umm Judd could Paul pick me up and drive me back to the station since we took a half hour break?" Rachel asked and Judd just nodded so Rachel huggde him and made her way over to the opening of the parking lot we were training in. " Okay, now do your walk around and hop in" Judd said which I just nodded to in responce and begun my walkaround.

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