Excuse me?!

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Hey before this chapter begins I'm gonna worn you that it does jump around a lot time wise. I hope you enjoy it though. I'm also gonna apologize in advance for what's gonna happen in this chapter please no hate I did what had to be done to break the two up

*a few months later*

Mateo's pov
Michell had decided we needed a night to let loose and had decided to invite us out for drinks after shift. "we'll meet up outside the front doors of the bar ok" Michell sais as we made our way out of the station. "sounds good" TK and Rachel said in unison as we all headed our seprate ways.

time skip
Rachel's Pov

It had only been about two hours and I had already gotten myself drunk. As I scanned the bar I counted to see who all was still here from the team. 'We got Michell, Marjan, Nancy, Paul, Judd, Grace, Owen, TK, Carlos, Tim and... hmmm where's Mateo?' I thought to myself and made my way over to Judd. "Where's Mateo?" I asked him stumbling "no idea. You good there Rachel?" He said laughing ever so slightly "ya I'm just drunk. Which brings be to my second..whatever. Can you drive me home?" I said leaning against the wall for support. "Ya let me say goodbye to Michelle and let Grace know then I'll drive you" he said.
He walked me over to a chair and sat me down before he went to say his goodbyes. While I sat there waiting for Judd I began to dose off. "Rachel you ready to go home" Judd said rubbing my back gently waking me up. "Ya" was all I said and I lifted my head off he table as he helped me up and to his car. 
After a short car ride we arrived at my house. "Ok where here. Where are your house keys?" Judd said and I handed him my keychain. "Carry me" I said with my arms stretched out. Judd chuckled softly before picking me up bridal style and carrying me into my house and to my room. By this time I had already fallen asleep so Judd gently placed me on my bed and kissed my forehead "sleep well Rachel" was all he said before he existed my house locking the door behind him with a spare key he found in it's pouch under the mailbox mounted on the wall beside the front door.

Time skip. The next morning
Mateo's Pov

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed but it wasn't long until the memories from last night came flooding in. You see. I met up with this girl at the bar last night and although I was a bit tipsy I wasn't totally drunk. We started off chatting but then things started to get heated. To be honest my relationship with Rachel has been pretty dull. Don't get me wrong she's an amazing person but she says she wanted to take things slow and I want more than she's willing to give me.
"Morning" she said from beside me "hey. What time is it?" I asked as I rolled onto my side to face her "7:38" she said and smiled at me. "I have to get ready to go to work. Last night was amazing though" I said as I started to get dressed. "Any time. When can I see you again?" She asked "put your number in and I'll text you" I said and handed her my phone.  This was gonna be a hard secret to keep but it has to work.

*four weeks/a month later*
Rachel's Pov

Lately Mateo has seemed pretty distant and today was no different. Nancy, Michelle, Marjan and I were gathered in the kitchen area chatting when a girl walked up to us. " hi. Can we help you" Michelle asked seeing the girl first "umm ya I'm looking for my boyfriend he said he works here" she spoke again. "Of course. What's the lucky guys name?" I said eager to know who the man was getting such a pretty girl. "Mateo Chavez" the girl said. As the words left her mouth my heart sank "um sorry I think I miss heard you. Did you say-" "Veronica?! Babe what are you doing here?" Mateo said to the girl obviously not seeing me. "Yo Chavez!" I said aggressively wanting to know what was going on. "Oh uhh Rachel. I didn't see you there" he said scratching the back of his neck "ya no duh. Who is this" I said pointing to the girl now known as Veronica standing next to him. "Rachel I really didn't want you to find out this way but since the secret is out now there's not point in keeping up the act." he said "that still doesn't answer my question" I said now very aggravated. "Fine. You really want to know" "YES! I really want to know!" I said both our voices gradually getting louder. "She's my girlfriend ok. We met at a bar and she. Unlike you. Is willing to fulfill my needs!" Mateo said "you know what. I agree with you." I said and Mateo gave me a puzzled look. "She's your girlfriend. We're over Chavez! Hope you're happy now" I said before walking away and up the stairs.
I found myself up in our sleeping area pacing back and forth. I'm guessing Judd found out about what happened because he stood at the entrance of the room when I finally stopped pacing he hame up to me and wrapped his arms around me. "You're gonna be ok. Trust me you'll get through this ok" she said as he pulled away to look me in the eye "ok" I managed to get out without crying. It was times like this where I wish I still had my mother but life's life. What can you do.
It wasn't long until a call came in. "You ok Rachel?" Judd asked "what better way to take my mind off of everything" I said with a smile and we hurried down the stairs and got geared up before jumping in the truck and heading out to hopefully save some lives.

Hey. Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter than usual. I promise things will get better and Mateo and Rachel will eventually become friends again but ya. Thank you for reading

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