'Hey pointbreak' I said patting his back whilst I walked over

'Little stark, you having fun'

'Yeah I suppose. Where's your br-'

'Lady Alice' Adrian said walking towards us. Shit.

'Um, hello Adrian'

'I haven't seen you in two weeks, how have you been'

'Yeah I've been good, how have you been' god why is this kinda awkward

'Very well. Do you care for a dance?'

Loki would kill me.

'Oh- um, sorry Adrian maybe another time I've been getting dragged into dancing all night and when Loki comes back he will drag me into some as well' I laughed trying to make it less awkward but Thor wasn't helping at all he just stood there like a deer in head lights looking back and forth at the two of us

'Ah very well then, but I will get a dance out of you one of these days' he laughed. Did he just make a joke or a threat? I'm over thinking it was definitely a joke. Right?

Almost on que when he finished Loki walked up and wrapped his arm around me

'So what are you three talking about?' He asked giving me a 'why is he here' look

'Nothing really Adrian was just asking how I am'

'I've been trying to get this fair lady here to dance but it's no good' he laughed again

Loki's eyes widened, I could practically smell the rage from him.

'Well on another note' Loki began looking at me 'I spoke with the council about a load of things and you happened to be brought up and they said you can stay on Asgard for the rest of the year and then after that more than likely they will allow you to stay permanently' he smiled

What. The. Fuck.

Why is this happening so fast

'What about my dad? And Nat, Clint, Steve, Bruce and my mom? I can't stay here forever'

'Come' and like that we were teleported to his room.


'Sorry I forgot I need to give you warning'

'Why would you do this behind my back. Why would you not just say like aw Alice me and the council are talking about you staying here for a year and then maybe forever like lokiii it's not that hard to keep me out of the dark'

'Alice. I didn't even know until I spoke with them. They believe you have powers that are just locked at the moment and want to help you unlock them'

'Will I be able to visit home?'


'Take me there. Take me home right now and then I'll call on the bifrost when I'm ready to come back'

He fell silent.


More silence



'Fine then if you won't take me I'll get a guard to' I walked towards the door only to have him grab my wrist and pull me back.

'Please don't'

'Don't what'

'Leave. You won't come back'

'I will. I just need to speak with my dad about this'

'Promise me you will come back here before the ball tomorrow'

'I swear I will come back before the ball tomorrow. I'll be back hopefully within a few hours depending on what time it is back there'

He pulled me into a kiss. A deep, loving kiss.

Afterwards he got a horse he took me to the bifrost where I was sent home. I knew the man there would keep an eye on me and tell Loki very single detail of what was happening. As Loki told him to do so.

I landed on the roof of the tower and surprisingly enough it seemed to be around 12 ish 1ish.

'Hey Jarvis! Wanna unlock the door for me' I called out to the AI

'Ofcourse miss. Welcome home!'

Home. Right home. This is my home. Isn't it?

I walked in to find everyone sitting in the livingroom watching tv.


They all turned around

You will be mine. An avenger + Loki fan fic Where stories live. Discover now