What Just Happened?

Start from the beginning

"Griff, what's wrong?"

"Matthew, get down here right now!" Griff literally yells so loud that I clamp my ears with my hands.

Matthew comes down the stairs and I immediately want to go over to him and hug him but again, Tate holds me back.

"Open that cupboard," Griff says slowly to Matthew.

Matthew's eyes widen and he looks at me and Tate guiltily.

"Don't look at them, do it right now, in front of them," Griff says walking closer to Matthew.

Matthew's hands clench his shirt and he walks over to the cupboard and opens it.

His hands shake as he reaches in to grab the anonymous item.

After several seconds, he pulls out a cigarette pack.

My heart drops to the floor. I never thought that Matthew of all people would start this habit.  

"Do you understand what that toxic thing could do to you, Matthew? It could kill you. It could be the reason you leave us, it could be the reason you leave her," Griff says while pointing directly at me.

Griff knows that none of us could afford to lose another family member.

"Do you think I don't know? It is so hard to just quit! I don't know what to do Griff, I've ruined everything, you guys probably hate me, and Jace will leave me forever!" Matthew's sob wrack through his body and he throws himself at Griff.

Griff surprised that this action that typically comes from me is now coming from our almost twenty-year-old brother.

He puts his muscular arms tightly around our brother and cradles Matthew's head in his neck.

"Buddy, how long has this been going on?" Griff asks quietly.

"T-two months," Matthew says with hesitation.

Griff sighs and asks another question.

"How did Jace find out?"

"He found a pack in the bathroom," Matthew says looking ashamed of himself.

Matthew turns around and walks towards me.

I avert my gaze to anywhere but in the direction of Matthew.

"Baby, I know you have every right to be mad, I'm so sorry that I have let you down. I promise I'm trying. I'll need your help okay?" He says with guilt written all over his face.

I nod and clasp onto Tate's hand.

That night all four of us decided to sleep in the living room.

Being alone might tempt Matthew even more, so we spent a long time talking about funny childhood stories, and apparently, I followed Tate around, and it got to a point where I cried so much when Tate was at a sleepover, he came back at midnight.

The next morning all three of my brother went on a run together so I took this as my perfect opportunity to call Jace.

I am afraid that he might not pick up because of his fight with my brother.

"Hey sweetheart," I hear Jace's soft voice on the fourth ring.

Relief washed over me that he's not mad at me.

"Hey Jace, I was afraid you wouldn't pick up, you know, because of yesterday," I say quietly.

"Sweetheart, I was never mad at you, and I could never because we are soul-siblings, remember?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Of course I remember! Anyways, can you please come over today?" I ask, crossing my fingers.

"I don't know sweetheart, I don't really want to talk to your brother right now, he really broke my trust yesterday." He says sadly.

"Please Jacey, for me? He was crying like a little baby last night and this morning saying how you will never even talk to him again!" I exclaim.

I sigh dejectedly, "Alright, I'll come, but, I'm doing it for you, not for him."

"Yes! I mean, uh, cool, yeah whatever." I say nervously.

"Okay, I'll see you there at lunch okay? Bye sweetheart." He says reluctantly.

"Bye, you're the best person in this whole entire universe!" I say trying to make him feel better.

He chuckles and hangs up.

Just then all three of my sweaty brothers walk into the house reaching for water from the refrigerator.

"Hey Kinley, what were you doing?" Tate asks while gulping more water down.

"Nothing, I was just scrolling through my phone," I say nonchalantly.

He gives me a suspicious look and purposefully gives me a bear hug. Great, now I smell like Tate too!


Around 12:30 that afternoon, Jace rings the doorbell, usually, he just barges right in.

Matthew frowns confused and looks over at the door.

Griff walks to the door and opens it to reveal Jace in a black T-shirt and black jeans. Seriously, does this guy wear anything but black?

"Hey Jace, come on in!" Griff exclaims.

"Mind if I join you guys for lunch?" Jace asks charmingly.

Of course, Griff says 'yes', I mean who could 'no' to that smile.

Jace sits down next to Griff which is right across Matthew and smiles at everyone but Matthew.

Matthew finally breaks the silence, "Look who finally decided to show up."

Tate picks up his fork and pretends like he's not listening but really he is, intently.

"Well, it's not my fault my boyfriend decided to go behind my back and was doing something that I hate for two months," Jace says. Woah, I've never seen this side of him before.

"Not my fault that I felt like I couldn't talk to my own boyfriend because he was always preoccupied with something else!" Matthew is now yelling and has pushed his chair back.

"Well, then you should have told me you were feeling that way!" Jace also now raising his voice.

"Get out." Those two words silenced all of us because Griff said those words.

"Both of you get out and don't come back into my house until you've solved your problems," Griff says looking into both of their eyes with finality.

Both of them slip their shoes on in complete silence and leave the house.

"So how was your day baby?" Griff asks me as if he didn't just tell two people to get out of his house.

Thank you guys so much!!!

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Stay safe!


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