The Cousin

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A Week Later:

I can't even explain how excited I am, today is the day my cousin Axel Hayes comes to visit with his fiancee Emberly, let me tell you, they're the cutest couple ever!

My cousin Axel is twenty-five years old and is really close with all of us. He considers me his baby like the rest of my brothers do. He met Emberly at university and they got engaged last summer, in a week, they'll be having their wedding in a beautiful courtyard. Griff is his best man and Matty and Tate are groomsmen. Since Emberly and I aren't really that close, I'm the flower girl, her friends are her bridesmaids. Don't get me wrong, she's really nice and all, but when she's around, Axel's attention completely shifts to her. Okay, maybe I'm jealous, and I have been ever since I found out that they were together.

As Matthew drives me and Tate home, I am radiating with energy and bombarding them with questions.

"When are they coming? When will their flight land? Is Griff picking them up? Whe-" I get stopped short, rather rudely, by Tate.

"Will you just shut up, Kinley?" He sneers my way.

"Jeez, I was just asking," I reply defensively.

"Okay, stop it you two, you literally had an argument this morning and another one? No way is that happening. Both of you stop talking, we're almost home." Matthews says amused but strict at the same time.

When we finally reach home, I burst through the front door expecting to see Axel there talking to Griff, his loud laughter echoing off of the walls, but... I just see Griff.

I sigh and say, "Oh, it's just you,"

"Wow, my day was good baby, thanks for asking, how about yours," Griff asks sarcastically but his face clouded with a hint of hurt.

I immediately pout my lips and take out the baby voice, "I'm sowwy Bubba, that was mean wasn't it?" I avoid his eyes.

"Aw, baby, I was just messing with you, come here." He spreads his arms out with a huge smile plastered on his face.

I loop my arms around Griff's torso and inhale his brotherly scent. I look up at him and he bends down and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Can these two get any cheesier, it's like watching a movie?" Matthew says with an eye-roll.

"Don't even get me started," Tate says grumpily and stomps up the stairs.

"So, Griffy, when are they coming?" I ask quietly.

"Oh, well, Axel said their flight will be landing in twenty minutes so I should get going," Griff says.

I gasp and say, "Can I come, please, please, please?"

"Baby, I know it's Friday but get started on your homework so you won't be doing all of it on Sunday night as your brothers do."

"Bu-" Griff silences me with his "this is not up for discussion" look.

I frown but Griff doesn't look at me. He grabs his jacket and puts it on. He then proceeds to put his shoes on, grabs his wallet and phone, and finally looks at me. He hugs me real quick and kisses my forehead.

"I'll be back soon, be good, love you." He says staring into my eyes.

"I'll be good, love you too."

He smiles and opens the front door and locks it behind him before shutting the door.

I hear the engine of his car rev when he leaves the driveway.

McKinley and Her BrothersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang