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Sitting In my history class, I decide to go through all the boys I know and who could have possibly put chocolates in my locker. Maybe it's a prank? Maybe I should just take the damn chocolates home and eat them ASAP to get rid of the evidence. Hmmm...

"Issy!" My teacher barks at me. "Are you listening? I said who was Henry VIII 3rd wife?"
Reluctantly I give the answer. Even Henry VIII was more romantic them me. Well before I worry about that, I really need to find a date for the Valentine's ball seeing as it is tonight.
But asking all of the boys in the school whether they have a date or not is surely more embarrassing than just not turning up? I'd have to be crafty about this...
I decide to look on Facebook to see who is actually in a relationship at first, this turns out to be an excellent plan, even if I do say so myself!

Shawn Holliker
Relationship status: in a relationship

I don't like him anyway.

Daniel Warter
Relationship status: in a relationship

Stupid name.

Harry Hinett
Relationship status: single pringle
He looks okay I guess... And oh he's a year seven.

Maybe I should just go ask Harrison to go with me after all. I go to the hall to find Harrison and see him next to his locker. I'm about to call to him when something pushes past me, knocking me to the ground.
"What in the name of..."
"Sorry!" I look up to see a boy about my age with a spotty face, brown hair and high cheekbones.
"Err no problem.." I reply still staring at his face.
"Um, are you okay?" He must have noticed me gawping.
"Yes I'm fine thanks um, what's your name" I realise I've never seen him before.
"I'm Mitchell Taylor, who are you?"
"I'm Oh, I'm Issy, Issy Wright'" I finally manage to stutter out.
He chuckles at my obvious fluster and strolls off, whistling as he walks.

Well Valentine's Day seems to be finally picking up, I think to myself, and spend the rest of the day with a smile on my face wider than Milly's when Liam presents her with The Vamps tickets.

I'm more Take That.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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