"Those compressions are way too fast!" Rachel snapped at Dot as she pounded on the girls chest. "You're pumping like double time" Rachel spoke again.

"There's no such thing as too fast, only too slow" Dot defended herself, making the girls disagree. Dot seemed overwhelmed by the girls arguing.

"Okay, hell, if you're all such experts, somebody else tap in" Dot finally said. "Who knows CPR?" She asked, making all of the girls hands shoot up. The three friends sharing a confused look.

Thankfully Jeanette was successfully resurrected.


Panic. Complete and total panic. Thats all Iris could feel.

As much as Toni and Martha tried to reassure the girl everything would be fine it didn't seem to be helping. Iris was quivering in panic and could hardly breathe. This lasted for what felt like 5 minutes but was really only close to a minute.

Toni having enough of it put Iris into her lap and played with her hair to calm her down. It surprisingly worked.

There was a heavy silence around the girls as they all reflected the days events. The silence was only broken a few times by the two sisters, Rachel and Nora. Leah and Jeanette were laying close by in the grass, and Shelby was the only one doing anything useful as she walked the shore looking for resources.

"Hey, does anyone have a phone?" Rachel asked, getting everyone's attention. Iris rolled her eyes at the question, finding it entirely dumb. Toni and her seemed to be having the same thought as she decided to speak out.

"Don't you think we would have said something, if we did?"

"I'm not even sure how many bars we'd get out here" Dot added, aware of how bad their situation was.

"I'm just trying to think of lifelines, all right?" Rachel fired back, defending herself. "They're gonna find us, but we can't be stupid."

Rachel looked around the group for reassurance, to which none of the girls gave. They were all still in deep shock.

"We should make a big help sign" Iris voiced, her voice slightly quivering as they all turned to stare at her. Shelby smiled at her, making some of her nerves disappear. "Yeah, like in that movie 28 days later" Dot said, agreeing with Iris's idea.

"What do you think happened to that flight attendant guy?" Martha asked the group, deeply concerned about the man.

"We should be looking through the suitcases, finding phones?" Rachel interrupted, making Iris scoff at the girls rudeness. Iris didn't like how bossy the girl was.

"Listen, y'all" Shelby started, much calmer than the athlete. "It's the 21st century, okay? They will find us, but in the meantime we gotta keep track of our resources."

Their current resources consisted of eight diet coke's. They were so fucked.

"But don't worry, cause if God brought us too it, God will bring us through it." Shelby continued, being her usual optimistic self.

"You know, the whole jesus saves thing isn't, like, literal. He's not gonna jet pack down and get us all out of here" Toni shot back, making fun of the christian. She obviously didn't like the girl, which confused Iris and Martha.

"The lord saves those who saves themselves" Shelby replied. "Which is why i'm gonna take a look in the woods, see if there's some fresh water."

"Maybe you should come?" Shelby asked Toni, who shook her head and declined. Iris not wanting Shelby to go alone volunteered herself to go, Martha handing Shelby her shoes for their journey, much to Toni's dismay.

"You know what? Maybe I will go, make sure Christ doesn't lead your ass into a fucking sinkhole" Toni said sarcastically, right as Dot discovered her phone.

Most of the girls were excited at the new discovery, but Iris couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

After Dot put her phone into the sand to dry off, the three girls went off.


The island was breathtaking. The tall grass and trees, Iris loved it.

"This is beautiful" Iris giggled out, reaching down to pick up a ladybug. Toni smiled at the girl, feeling a pull at her heartstring.

"Keep your ears peeled" Shelby instructed, giggling as Iris carefully put the ladybug back down. "You'll hear moving water before you see it."

"How come you know all of this?" Toni asked skeptical, not expecting Shelby to know anything about the wilderness.

"This may surprise you, but i'm not some delicate indoor princess, okay? I go hunting with my dad all the time" Shelby spoke, making Iris cringe at the thought of killing innocent animals.

"So you do one hardcore thing?" Toni teased, trying to get under the blondes skin. "That doesn't mean you're not mostly an indoor princess. How many pillows do you have on your bed? Bet you've got one of those mega beds with, like, 50 pillows. Your maid, Lupe, she's gotta keep taking them off and putting them back on and it's making her want to off herself, am I right? You know i'm right?"

"Yeah, well i've also shot down a ten-point buck, snapped his neck to finish the job and butchered him in the field all by myself." Shelby defended herself, making Iris sick to her stomach.

"I'm going back to camp" Iris said in disgust and guilt, almost crying because of the visual. This only made Toni more angry at the blonde.

"Now you've done it."


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