A Fanatic Heart

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"Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise."

Victor Hugo

Aisha told the faculty all of what had happened, what Bloom had done

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Aisha told the faculty all of what had happened, what Bloom had done. Professor Harvey and Dowling immediately rushed off to try to stop the girls. Whilst  Silva stayed with his specialist Students.

Silva had dragged Sky and Cynthia off to have a word with them, "Should I be worried I had to find out from Aisha that Bloom drugged you, Sky?"

"To be fair, we did try to tell you," Cynthia told him.

"I don't know," Sky interrupted, grabbing Silva's arm, "Should I be worried I had to learn from Bloom what happened at Aster Dell?"

"We'll talk about this later," Silva instructed him as he walked off. "What's the situation?" Silva asked a grope of specialists.

"I think the Burned One's through there," Kat told Silva, "pull it up again."

At this, Riven pulled a phone out of his pocket. Cynthia hid her head in Sky's side. She knew what was coming and didn't want to see it. Sky carefully pulled his arm around her side and put his hand over her ears. Cynthia could just about hear what was going on when Silva called Kat's name. He didn't want to watch this either. Sky took his hands off Cynthia's ears when they turned but still kept his arms wrapped around her.

"I recognize the hollow Noura ran past," Kat told them.

"Right, let's go," Silva told them as he turned around and walked off.

"Wait, wait. Without fairies? No offence Cynth, but that's one fairy." Riven called, "we counted at least six Burned Ones. That's fucking stupid."

"None taken," Cynthia assured Riven, "I actually kinda agree with you."

"Let's go," Silva repeated, ignoring them both.

They were interrupted from walking through the barrier by the sound of a burned one coming from behind them. The sound had come from the school.

"That noise isn't coming from the forest," Sky told them, "It's coming from the school."

"Get back and gather all the students and bring them to the courtyard." Silva shouted, "Move!

Everyone jumped into action and raced to the cars. Sky and Cynthia lept in one car. When it pulled out, Nox ran alongside. Sky and Cynthia were seated next to each other, holding hands comfortingly. When the cars were nearing the school, they formed a plan. They would drop the specialist around the school to gather all the students.

Sky and Cynthia exited the car close to Cynthia's dorm room. Sky, Cynthia and Nox took off running to the school. They were partway around when they saw Bloom heading in the same direction as them. They heard a growl, and Bloom looked around behind her. Sky took that as an opportunity to step in front of her.

Embrace the Night  ⭐️ Sky of EraklyonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora