Chapter 12: Luke and Selena's mission

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Luke made sure that his motorcycle stayed some distance away from the car that had Mary, and he and Selena were quite shocked when they found the car driving into a cave of some sort. They were even more surprised when deep into the cave, they found an underground city. Selena looked unnerved as Luke was forced to park his motorcycle just outside the city so as to not draw attention to themselves.
"What's with the worried look on your face?" Luke asked as he turned off his motorcycle and looked at the city ahead.

"I've heard rumors of an underground city just outside of New Tech City for years... I just never thought it would be real. The major thing is that the city is a very shady place, you probably shouldn't go into the city wearing your SPD jacket." Selena explained.

"When you said you heard this place is shady... how shady do you mean?" Luke asked. Selena shook her head.

"It's a city that's supposedly run by one of the members of the Zarelo crime family. Rumors say that Tyson Zarelo, one of the most powerful members of the Zarelo family, has been trying to find girls to perform at his clubs... I never said anything because I just, never believed any of it. No one has heard of anything related to the Zarelos since the Troobian Invasion, so many people in New Tech City just assumed that they turned a new leaf." Selena explained. Luke shook his head.

"If this place is run by one of the Zarelos, it'll be best if I call for backup." Luke said as he tried to activate the communication function of his morpher, but all he was getting was some kind of static.

"They must have figured out the morpher communication frequency and jammed it. Unless we find the jammers, we are on our own." Selena informed Luke. Luke sighed. This was proving to be real troublesome.

"In any case, I'm going to hide the bike and the jacket, and we'll head into the city to find out where Mary could be." Luke said.

A bit later:
Lights and activities were everywhere in the underground city. Surprisingly, it didn't seem like there were common criminals walking the street, but it was obvious that the people who lived in this city was very cautious to speak about the people in charge, as people would only mention Tyson Zarelo in hushed tones to each other.

"Welcome to Secret Enchantment, a town of parties, gambling, and all kinds of fun." Someone in the middle of the city yelled as he then noticed Luke and Selena walking by.

"Ah, a teenage couple looking to get into some more... daring fun times. Step right up, I'm sure I can find you a place where you can go and... experience the fun you two want together." The guy said as he looked at Luke and Selena. Selena blushed at the statement but Luke looked at the man in confusion.

"Uh, fun?" Luke asked. The man looked at Selena with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Ah, I see.... breaking the innocent with pleasure there eh, young lady. I'm sure he'll enjoy that." The man said with a wink. Selena's blush darkened to the point she was as red as Luke's morphed form. Luke sighed.

"We are just looking for a friend who wanted to meet us here. They came in a car earlier... a black limo type." Luke explained. The man looked at the two in surprise.

"Ah you must be the Black Mamba people. Yeah, Zarelo has been expecting you with the shipment. Zarelo did say to expect some people to arrive here after the limo with the hot chick. He said that the Black Mamba couldn't have pulled their last job without being some tough people, so he wanted me to refer you to the arena where you'll have to prove yourself to the boss. If you win the tournament, not only will you have an audience with the boss." The man replied. Luke, despite not knowing what shipment he was talking about decided to play this off and see where this led.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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